Russell Howard #2

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The alarm clock ticked silently probably in relief at not having to wake its owner at the crack of dawn for once

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The alarm clock ticked silently probably in relief at not having to wake its owner at the crack of dawn for once. It wasn't the Y/N ached to see the sun rise spill over the houses, no even though we were in lockdown three or four (the woman had honestly lost count at this point) she still had the job of being a mother. This role involved parenting not only her four year old son but also her 40 year old husband. Don't get me wrong she loved the man but sometimes she really did wonder how he'd managed to reach that age in one piece.

The well earned lie in was soon interrupted, a loud yell breaking the peaceful serenity followed by the blaring of another alarm.. The smoke alarm.

"SHIT!" the man screeched throwing the blackened pan with a deafening clatter into the sink. Releasing what he'd said in front of his single audience member Russell smiled weakly. "You said a bad word..." was all the boy mumbled from the table. His small sticky fist still throttling the felt tip pen as he coloured in his drawing. "No! No I didn't.. I said ship." Russell scrambled internally cringing at how unbelievable that sounded.

"He may be four Russ but he's not stupid." Y/N sighed jokingly while still tying her warm dressing gown. Gliding over to the smoking evidence the woman couldn't help but laugh "And what pray tell is that supposed to be?"

Running a hand through his disheveled blonde locks the comedian shrugged "A Mother's day breakfast?" Nodding the woman patted his shoulder. Russell had never really be a good cook but this was differently in his top 10 worst meals, mainly due to the fact he nearly burnt the house down but the thought still counted. "Go sit down, I'll save breakfast." Y/N pushed the man away from the counter. "But Mummy Daddy said that it was your day and you weren't to lift a finger!" Y/S/N whined pausing his current creation of a masterpiece. "I think it will be okay Y/S/N/N unless you want Daddy to burn your Sunday pancakes?" Y/N reassured knowing the young boy was a sucker for the traditional family routine. The boy's face turned white before he shook his head wildly. Taking a seat next to the child Russell scoffed playfully ruffling the almost carbon copy of dirty blonde locks. "My cooking is not that bad thank you mister."

Rolling his y/e/c orbs Y/S/N mock his mothers pouted look of judgment "Whatever you say..."

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