Bondi Rescue #1

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The grey clouds rolled in over the dark teal waters of Bondi, the usual sun shying away from the few members of the public who decided to brave a day at the renowned golden shores. Sighing in content Y/N adjusted her shades to cover her bright y/e/c orbs even though it was early Y/N couldn’t help but feel like she was in paradise. Picking up the worn binoculars the y/h girl skimmed the waters that was overrun with salty sea spray whipping wildly at the dark coastline looking out for anyone in distress.

The opening of a door broke her concentration, swivelling around to face her fellow teammates or the boys in blue as the public knew them Y/N couldn’t resist the chuckle that slipped past her delicate ruby lips. Maxi and Jesse entered looking absolutely ridiculous bundled up like Eskimos while shivering like leaves. Raising an eyebrow in silent questioning the British girl looked the two boys over. "Good morning Scot" the y/h/c female laughed before turning back to face the waters. "What?" Jesse finally managed to shutter out his normally energetic voice muffled by the many layers he was wearing. Sighing again Y/N whipped around to face the pair "You know Scott... Scott of the Antarctic. Famous legendary explorer." The girl trailed of taking a bite of her lukewarm butty. Max shook his head violently he never understood why the girl had so much semi useless information buzzing around her brain. It was only semi useless as the girls mind bank of odd information had often served them well on a quiz night at the local pub. Reidy and Harries who had both stayed quiet during the exchange finally looked up from their weekend catch up to grin at the feisty girl. "How are you not cold" Harries question the girl jokingly as the older man was also wearing one of the blue hoodies that came as part of the uniform. Shrugging thoughtfully Y/N took another bite of her breakfast "I don't know British weather probably it kinda prepares you." She stated simply.

Getting up Y/N tucked her chair in before pushing her Oakley's up to perch on her y/h/c locks "Well ladies I'm gonna get into the rhino, someone needs to be down there." Yanking the door open Y/N pulled a face to the group before continuing "Honestly you're all such babies it's not even cold." Before walking off to patrol the beach leaving the assembled group of Aussies in her wake.

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