Taron Egerton #4

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Dating Taron Egerton would include

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Dating Taron Egerton would include...

- Probably meeting him when he first moved to the island (around age 10).

- Tina loving you almost straight away, call it mothers intuition or whatever but she knew you were going to be special to her boy.

- Cuddles ALL the time, it was rare for Taron to keep his hands to himself.

- him calling you Cariad or tywysoges.

- starting to date in secondary school. He would have probably sent a note but of course English teacher Mr Francis reading it out infront of everyone... oh boy you'd never seen Taron go so red but it was cute.

- As teenagers having late nights out on the beach with your friends and some illegal beers. Even though you enjoyed a drink like most teenagers basically being the Mum and Dad of your friendship group.

- After Uni moving to London with him to start your lives together.

- Even though you now lived in the fast paced city you called home you would always make time to go back to where it all began and spend time with both your families.

- Helping Taron practice his lines alot, however if the scene was a tad steamy sometimes the script got ditched on the coffee table for another night.

- Getting invited to all his premieres because he couldn't imagine going without you.

- pda wasn't a massive party of your relationship but it didn't mean it wasn't  loving. On red carpets the majority of pictures would have Taron whispering in your ear as you grinned like a mad woman.

- Basically acting like an old married couple so when Taron finally pops the question nobody's suprised.

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