Jack Rimmer #2

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Y/N inhaled the choking grey smoke her y/e/c eyes flickering over the fellow students donned in the familiar maroon and yellow stripes. Sighing heavily the girl adjusted her worn Doc Marten covered foot against the crumbling wall. Waterloo road housed the scum of the education world in Rochdale - in fact not even the scum but the bacteria that feasted on the scum. Waterloo was the dumping ground of the failing and failed. Taking another drag of her cigarette the girl sighed again this time rolling her eyes in response to the idiot who decided now was the time to interrupt her, turning to face the arrogant intruder she was greeted with Jack Rimmer smiling at her lighting his own cigarette.

Jack Rimmer was Headmaster at Waterloo Road and thought he liked to seem like he had his shit together he didn't. “What do you want Jack” Y/N whispered bitterly stomping on the butt of her cig turning to leave. “It’s Mr Rimmer once you’re through those gates and you know it.” the older man stated grabbing the girls forearm gently turning her around to face him. “Mr Rimmer is it now?! That not what you were begging me to call you over the summer.” she huffed the anger inside her ready to explode like a shaken up bottle of coke. Jack sighed running a hand over his face “That was a mistake!” he stated in an attempt to defend himself. “a mistake… really. God Jack you really are pathetic” renching her arm from the man aggressively stalking off “You know that’s not what I meant” he trailed off trying to pick the right words to express how he was feeling but it was too late she'd already left for form.

Mika Grainger kept glancing worryingly at the y/h/c girl throughout their french lesson. Y/N was almost as talented as Brett with the language but unlike her boyfriend her best friend had actually studied hard for her grades. “Whats up” Mika whispered quietly in the hope Ms Haydock wouldn’t catch them talking when they were meant to be practising their verbs. “Nothing”Y/N shrugged off her concerned friend doodling in her workbook. Suddenly the classroom door open “Ms Haydock can I borrow Y/N L/N please. It’s urgent” Jack questioned not even stopping to listen to Haydock's flirty response.

Closing the door to his office Jack moved to slide the partitioning glass shut as well. “You weren’t a mistake!” he shouted gruffly trapping her between him and the desk. “Then why did you say I was” tears gathering. “I thought you regretted it”he whispered bringing his hands up to cup her y/s/t face “If i’’d regretted it I wouldn't have let it continue” Y/N cried wiping the tears away delicately “I love you Jack Rimmer.” the girl whispered “Even if you are an idiot sometimes” she continued gently. “I love you more Y/N L/N. I was just worried you wouldn’t want an old man like me.” he said ghosting kisses all over her face. “Just kiss me old man!” the y/h/c girl whispered into his ear tugging on his tie. “You’re going to be the death of me” Jack declared kissing her feverishly.

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