Mycroft Holmes #2

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"You know I can't discuss ongoing cases Y/N." Sherlock smiled teasingly at his sister in law. "Oh what drivel Sherlock, it's not like I'm an interested party who seeks information to harm the girl!" Y/N objected pouring the freshly brewed tea with care. "It's not you I'm fearful of." Sherlock replied honestly "I fear what my brother would do to me if I shared information with his divine wife." the man continued. Y/N had a reputation for meddling at least that's what Mycroft called it, the y/h/c woman could be quite the successful sleuth if given half the chance. "I wouldn't tell anyone Sherlock and more importantly I know you wouldn't tell anyone!" The woman stated mocking the brothers oh so close relationship. 

"Your husband would have my head on a spike." Sherlock shook his head raising the china cup to his lips. Sighing Y/N lent back in her chair resting her head in the palm of her hand "Sherlock I want an adventure. I've been stuck in this house for weeks. Mycroft barely lets me out of his sight." Y/n complained, frowning. "I'm sure it's because he cares for you Y/N/N" the younger Holmes said. "Just as you care for a songbird before it dies in its cage." Y/N muttered she loved Mycroft of course she did but sometimes he seemed to forget she needed something in her life other than this awful house. Mycroft had not always been so strict and work obsessed but with everything going on he'd practically become unbearable. Groaning Sherlock rubbed his temple "I guess I could possibly use a woman's intuition on this case." the man trailed off pretending he didn't see the smile that found a home on the woman's delicate feature. "But if Mycroft catches wind of it I will not claim any responsibility!" Sherlock added. Sitting up, Y/N rolled her eyes, a habit which was quite unladylike. "You let me deal with Mycroft. Now where do we begin." 

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