Mycroft Holmes #4

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"Sherlock are you coming?" Y/N called across the square the man in question for once in his life looking quite perplexed. "What's keeping him?" Mycroft grumbled hoping his brother wasn't trying to weasel out of buying him a drink. Placing a comforting arm on her husband Y/N sighed at the feeling of Mycroft's body relaxing. The man could look quite sinister at times and most of the time he wasn't even aware of the faces he was pulling. "Come on Sherlock!" Mycroft called loudly. Placing the item back on the monument Sherlock took long strides to catch up Mycroft having already started walking away. "What was that?" the y/h/c woman asked referring to the object that seemed so out of place yet so well hidden in plain sight. Turning to face his sister-in-law Sherlock shrugged a teasing smile forming "A message."

"Oh right." Y/N responded as if it was the most logical answer on earth, before catching up with Mycroft paying for a paper tossing a coin into the box. "Mycroft, can you not go a day without one of those darn things." Y/N scolded knowing he'd flip through it within minutes and only read articles so he could complain about them to her later, an activity she wasn't most fond of. "Knowledge is power my Darling." Mycroft defended himself. "Now will you be alright by yourself?" The eldest Holmes questioned his soft side surfacing. The club didn't allow females through their doors, a most middle aged concept Y/N thought but it made Mycroft happy to rub shoulders with other important members of England's high society. "Y/N?" Mycroft asked again, taking notice of his wife's silence. "Hmm" the woman mumbled, shaking herself from the small daze she'd found herself in. "Of course Mycroft I'll meet you later for Dinner." Nodding the Man smiled tightly leaving the woman behind Sherlock trailing after him.

Checking her surroundings Y/N chuckled at the figure lent against the wall, their hat sat low covering their face "Hello Enola." 

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