Mycroft Holmes #1

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"You are much too hard on her Mycroft." The female tutted her y/e/c orbs barley breaking the intense gaze on the fabric she held. "My dearest she's been allowed to go rogue." The eldest Holmes scoffed "No boy will ever ask for her hand unless she bucks up and sharpish." The male continued to complain. The crackling of the fireplace filled the quiet air. "Forgive me Mycroft but as I recall you rather admired my rejection of the status quo." Y/N sighed weaving the royal blue thread through the taut textile. "But look at you now. You're a proper lady with a home to run, servants to watch over and a well-to-do husband to admire." The man expressed firmly "You know Mycroft sometimes I really do wonder how I put up with you!" Y/N argued placing her needlepoint aside and gathering her skirts to prepare a storm out.

"You're being quite childish Y/N" Mycroft mocked swilling his amber nightcap. "Enola is special Mycroft and if you can't see that you don't deserve to be in her life! I fear to think how you would treat our child. God forbid we have a daughter." Reaching the door the woman sighed for the thousandth time that evening. "If she is that much of a bother let her be Sherlocks ward. Now I shall retire and I suggest you put a smile on your face before you join me." Taking a deep breath Y/N left the room. "Madame is there anything I could do for you?" Margaret asked, noticing the tension in her mistresses figure. Margaret had served the young woman since they were both 14 and had grown quite close. "I fear not." Y/N muttered turning to face her friend "he'll come around eventually I'm sure." Margaret reassured having overheard the argument. "I hope so." Y/N whispered, taking the candle from the brunette woman before heading up the mahogany staircase.

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