Kingsman #1

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Since Y/N Hart was a child Kingsman was all she knew, her mother had died during childbirth leaving her father Harry Hart to raise the girl alone. Harry was never a normal father though he loved her like she was his entire universe, he also was aware just how many bad people there was in the world. He trained the girl in defence and espionage practically from day one, while most girl were playing make believe Y/N was studying languages and other useful skills.

The day of her 18th birthday was long awaited for not just because it was a milestone birthday but also it was the day she'd could finally follow in her father's footsteps... providing she passed all the test that is but neither her or Harry were worried.

Y/N never really had friends growing up, it was always just her, Harry and the occasional  visit from the other Kingsman agents. So the day Roxy skipped up to her cot introducing herself along with a boy (His name was Eggsy) slowly trailing behind her smiling shyly was slightly terrifying. It was clear Eggsy felt out of place, you didn't have to be a genius to work that one out but Y/N understood his nerves as she felt them too.

Roxy soon became like family, the sister she'd never had and hadn't known she desperately wanted. Kingsman had never had 2 agents make it all the way through the grueling tests let alone 2 female agents. Deciding two great agents were better then one Arthur insisted both be given the official title of Kingsman agents. Now we all know how Roxy went and became Galahad but this story wasn't about her or Y/N's past but about the birth of a new agent.

Agent Morgana

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