Kelly Severide #1

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Walking through the streets of late night Chicago Y/N shivered snuggling deeper into her jacket seeking just an ounce of warmth from the harsh wind. Searching for solace the y/h/c girl finally spotted a beacon of hope from the battling elements... Molly’s. It was a quaint little bar nestled between some other grey buildings. The bright glow inviting and comfortable in the dark night.

Stepping in slowly Y/N felt like she’d been transported into another world unlike most sports bars up and down the country Molly’s had hundreds of fairy lights twinkling happily. Shrugging her coat off the girl vigorously rubbed her arms in hope of jumpstarting some heat to her y/s/c skin. Quietly placing an order to the dark haired man tending the bar Y/N allowed the soft chatter to wave over her lulling the girl. “Thanks” Y/N whispered as the man placed her beer in front of her eyes lifting to focus on the TV playing recaps of the Blackhawks latest victory. Before she’d moved to America Y/N had never been invested in sports, let alone the teams that played them.

The occasional outburst of chuckles breaking her attention every so often causing her to smile softly to herself at the playful banter bouncing back and forth between a mixed group of men. Suddenly another beer was placed in front of her looking up in silent question Y/N raised an eyebrow to the bartender who simply point to the group or more specifically to a man who had a slight 5 o’clock shadow and greying hair that he seemed to totally rock. Almost as if his ear was burning that man proceeded to send a cheeky smirk to the y/h/c female reveling in the knowledge that he was the cause of the pale pink blush she was now sporting.

Sauntering over the man held his hand out in greeting “Kelly” he voiced. Turning to face the man Y/N grinned “Y/N” Kelly was clearly surprised by her voice... well her accent to be more specific. “Now i’m definitely sure you’re an angel” Kelly flirted smoothly taking another sip of his beer. “Oh yeah..” Y/N quipped playfully each word made Kelly fall more in love with the stranger.

After a couple of minutes the pair were getting on like a house on fire (okay maybe that wasn’t the right thing to say considering Kelly’s job). Ordering another round for the both of the Kelly was telling Y/N about his latest rescues pride etched across his tanned features. “I’m sorry Lieutenant but are you trying to get me drunk.” her british accent flowing over each word mischievously poking him delicately in the arm. “I would never..” Kelly declared feigning innocence “However if you are a damsel in distress I’ll quite happily be your knight in shining armour.” the man stated softly “Well maybe not shining armour. More like semi dirty turnout gear..” he chuckled.

Grabbing her coat mentally preparing herself to face the cold weather Y/N smiled turning gracefully to face the older man “I’ll keep that in mind.'' Opening the door and walking out into the night Y/N smiled once again to herself. “Wait! When will I get to see you again.” Kelly called out but the door had already closed and the girl was gone into the night. Walking back to his now lukewarm beer Kelly sighed heavily to himself. Little did either of them know that they would see each other again. And just like he said Kelly was Y/N’s knight in shining armour in her moment of distress.

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