Poppy Adams #2

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Sipping on a milkshake Y/N grimaced as she watched her mother new recruit tuck into the burger flinching with each bite

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Sipping on a milkshake Y/N grimaced as she watched her mother new recruit tuck into the burger flinching with each bite. Y/N never truly knew if it was beef or man and she didn't plan on asking. Poppyland was like her mother's sick twisted paradise but to the y/h/c girl it was a prison. A red vinyl wrapped prison where every day was like a bad 50's movie and no matter how loud you screamed or how hard you tried to escape you couldn't. Even if the younger woman managed to get past the suit clad minions she would have nowhere to go they lived in a fucking jungle for Christ sake!

Pushing the now empty soda glass aside Y/N rolled her eyes at the kiss up. "Oh by the way darling we have a guest arriving soon. From England." Poppy informed her daughter partially enjoying the look of dread that filled the young girl's features. Before her mother had gone stark raving mad Y/N had taken her education abroad, London to be exact. The y/h girl still didn't know how she'd managed to get her mom to agree to shopping her off but boy did she revel at the idea of being out of her mother's clutches. At least for a little while. London had been fine until him. He was pompous and arrogant but that only seemed to draw her in closer. He was entitled for sure and living off daddy's money while waiting for a high end job he could just walk into. But Charlie was sweet and loving when it was just the two of them. When he had no audience to play up to, at least that what she'd thought. Turns out Y/N was the audience all along when the door closed at the end of the day. What they had hadn't been special Charlie was just using her before warming a bed with Clara Von slut-bucket. "Be nice." Poppy taunted a manipulative giggle escaping her red lips. Scowling sourly Y/N put on her sunglasses covering her y/e/c orbs "I'd rather die."

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