James Acaster #2

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"We've asked them to bring in the exciting thing beginning with G." Alex Horne told the camera and therefore the viewers at home. "James." Greg began "So far the worst round in TaskMaster history can you save it?" Nodding proudly James waited to bask in the glory he has about to be gifted from the TaskMaster. "Pretty sure I can."the Comedian added in a cocky tone.

"A polaroid of Y/N?" Greg asked in a confused tone "Why would I want a picture of her?" Greg continued to mutter in confusion. "Ah well she couldn't be here today so the next best thing a picture." James stated not even caring about everyone who was still puzzled as to why he'd entered a polaroid as his prize. "Right so you want to give Y/N away?" Greg shuffled his queue cards "She's a lovely girl James don't get me wrong but I'm 100% sure that is human trafficking." Alex looked up from his Ipad and like the classic teachers pet decided that James needed to be reminded of the 1st task. "But you had to bring the most exciting thing starting with the letter G!" Alex stated in a matter of fact tone feeling proud of himself. Greg nodded in agreement pointing his pen at the younger comedian in accusation signaling for James to explain himself. "Ahha that's the thing it is a G. Girlfriend starts with G!" maybe it was James' awkward eyebrow dance that followed or Greg's reaction that cause the audience to almost wet themselves. "Hang on a minute that makes it worse..." Kerry practically screeched from her seat scowling comedically at James who now sat with one of his legs crossed over the over as if he was waiting for the next train ever so casually.
Jessica chuckled she knew the y/h/c girl well as they had Co-starred on Channel 4's Drifters together a couple years previously. The two girls had kept in close contact since then and in fact would regularly meet up. "She probably only agreed because she couldn't think of another way to tell James.. Well tell him that she's leaving him." Sighing dramatically Jessica added "For me." This caused another wave of laughter from the audience sat in front of them. "So let's recap." Greg started "Y/N is now a legitimate prize because James' is insisting she begins with a G." Grinning James' nodded "And you can't tell me otherwise." Rolling his eyes the tall host grimaced "We could but it would just waste my time and everybody else's." Shrugging Alex typed away at his Ipad about to announce what the next contestant had brought with them.

"I'd hate to be going home to her now." Rhod added his 2 pence gruffly "You NEVER anger a Welsh woman if you want to remain breathing."

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