Peter Parker #2

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Peter Parker was so cute

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Peter Parker was so cute. Like insanely cute. He had brown hair that constantly looked like a controlled mess and on days when he was tired he wore a pair of  tortoise shell glasses that complimented his dark brown eyes. Peter rarely paid attention in class, often scribbling doodles in his notebooks instead which gave Y/N a whole hour twice a week to bask in his presence. "Ms L/N am I interrupting something?" Mr Harris called snapping the teenage girl out of her day dream. "No Mr Harris." Y/N replied with a red blush filling her cheeks at the 30 something pair of eyes that where currently pointed in her direction. Sighing the girl scribbled down some junk from the chalkboard in the hopes that it would get her classmates to stop staring.

"Alright you lot I want 2 pages on Lady Macbeth's soliloquy and how foreshadowing was used as a tool by next Thursday." The middle aged man announced not even bothering to look up at the pack of energetic teens preparing to cause havoc in the halls. Grabbing her binders the y/h girl winced at the scrapping of chairs ignoring the click of approaching heels that only belonged to one person. Gwen Stacy. "Did you really have to make it quite so obvious that you were staring!" The blonde female teased her childhood friend. "Gwen don't start, I already want the ground to swallow me whole." Y/N admitted leaving the now empty classroom. Looping her arm through Y/N's Gwen laughed at her friend's embarrassment. "Oh relax he didn't even notice." The eldest Stacy reassured weaving the pair through the halls to their lockers. "Of course he didn't notice Gwen. I'm completely unnoticeable." Frowning, Gwen turned to her best friend "well it's his loss." Rolling her eyes Y/N walked off leaving the blonde in her dust soon enveloped by the constant stream of hormone raged youngsters.

Walking through the halls Y/N decided to take her textbooks home rather then bump into Gwen at their lockers. In elementary Gwen and Y/N would spend nights imagining what high school would be like. From the amazing glow up they would have the summer before school to having lockers next to each other. Maybe it was the autumn sun or the grey drizzle of rain that gave Forest Hills a darker feel then normal. Must have been the rhythmic pattering that concealed the following footsteps. Maybe if she'd just paid more attention to Mr Harris' droning voice rather than Peter she wouldn't have gotten annoyed at Gwen and missed the bus. She wouldn't currently be laying in a pool of her own blood, hands staining themselves red.

"You're going to be okay." The infamous local vigilante muttered mainly to himself rather than the girl slipping in and out of consciousness. Wincing the girl groan the sirens of New York's finest on route drilling into her head. "Just keep the pressure on it." He added sounding further away like she was underwater. "Don't close your eyes Y/N." The stranger stated running his free hand over his masked face in anxiety. A move she would have found charming when Peter did it as he ate his prepackaged lunch on the other side of the canteen. "Come on you couldn't keep your eyes off me earlier." The male joked awkwardly half unsure if the girl could even hear him at this point. "Peter?" Y/N mumbled the red and blue flashing lights the last thing she saw before finally succumbing to a restless sleep.

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