Dean Winchester #2

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"Hey Sammy

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"Hey Sammy." The y/h/c girl greeted gently already sensing the building tension between the two boys... well men but one didn't always act like one and the other well it was just impossible to see him as a grown up who had his own life now. Without even turning around to face the owner of the voice Sam found himself grinning at the hit of nostalgia. Glancing up at the rear view mirror he spied one of the only other survivor from their nightmare of a childhood "Y/N Singer." He half expected to see her with a well aged baseball cap sat on her head and the paint splattered Guns N' Roses t-shirt that she never seemed to grow out of. Cutting the tall boy off Y/N chuckled

"Actually Sammy it's Winchester." flashing her left hand quickly in proof. Dean smirk as he roared Baby to life with a turn of the key his apple green eyes sparkling with mischief. Still sat in shock Sam blinked "Yeah I know Dean of all people. But don't really have a lot of choices for eligible bachelors in this life." the girl joke leaning over the leather seat that confined her to the back of the vehicle. Pulling a face of mock disbelief Dean sighed "You're lucky baby I'll have you know I'm still hot stuff okay!" His tone wavering between defensive and sarcastic laughter. Rolling her y/e/c orbs Y/N shook her head kissing the older Winchester's cheek before turning up the volume of an old AC/DC cassette tape. "Y'know "Sammy" is a chubby 12 year old. It's Sam okay." And all at once it felt like old time's but my god were things only just starting to get crazy.

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