Elton John #1

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Running her y/s/c hand over her acid wash jeans Y/N sighed. the circle of chairs making her feel like a trapped bird. Sure she'd agreed with her mother to attend some of these meetings but everyone seemed so dull and lifeless it actually depressed her more. Y/N wouldn't say she had a problem with alcohol, it was more of a negative friendship but still it was clearly bad enough to worry her family.

The awkward atmosphere was suddenly disrupted by the creaking swinging of the double doors and there he stood. The man was dressed in what Y/N imagined a fallen angel would don... well minus all the extra extravagant rhinestones. He stood tall. His chest heaving as he took deep breaths. Even though he looked slightly lost the y/h/c girl couldn't help but tilt her head in curiosity at his confidence as he strode over. Taking a pew at the empty seat next to her almost knocking her out with his eye catching sunset wings. That's right wings!

The man then introduced himself. "I know how this bit goes." He nodded nearly forcing a grin on his pale features. "My name is Elton Hercules John... And I'm an alcoholic." Y/N was unsure if the other attendees could see but she couldn't help feel sorry for the man his sad pain filled eyes attempted to be hidden behind rose tinted heart shaped glasses. "And a cocaine addict. And a sex addict, And a bulimic. I'm also a shopaholic. The male continued to list occasionally gritting his teeth as he hissed.

"Why you here now?" The host asked. Y/N never knew if the older woman was genuinely asking or if she just felt the need to look like she cared. One thing Y/N learnt over the countless visits to therapists, Doctors, self help groups or even this one weird self love hippy hell the y/h/c girl once visited was that no matter how caring the make it sound they were just judging you. And soon they'd forget, be it once the appointment was over or when they ate dinner with their family that evening. You were nothing to them. Just a failure. An addict. They didn't care what your background was, you could have been the Queen of England but all they would ever see was an addict, a junkie. "Well my dealer was out of town, I thought this seemed like a good alternative." His English accent making the sarcasm just that much sweeter. Laughing hysterically Y/N folded into the uncomfortable chair ignoring the glares suddenly directed at her. Another hour or so passed by could have been a lifetime as long as Y/N was concerned. Elton was no longer dressed in his devil jumpsuit having slowly changed into a more relaxed garment.

"What's your name love?" Elton asked as everyone left the room into the dark night. Grabbing her bag the girl turned to face the singer. "Y/N. Y/N L/N" offering a hand she smiled. "Do you want to go grab a drink?" Y/N suggested "Non alcoholic of course!" the female continued noticing his hesitation. "Sure. That would be really nice actually."

Little did they know one drink would lead to four, and four would lead to a lifelong friendship. Turns out they both needed each other. Someone who understood what life was like for them. Elton and Bernie may be great friends who had never had an argument but sometimes Elton need Y/N to say what Bernie was thinking but that was fine by her.

A/N ik its not great but i had this idea and i just wanted to get something out to get me out this depressive rut 

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