Lee Bodecker #1

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TW - Domestic Violence

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TW - Domestic Violence

Raindrops fell violently onto the windshield of Lee Bodecker's patrol car. For the fifteenth time that day Lee found himself distraught that time wasn't moving quicker. He just wanted to be home with Y/N right now. She'd probably be in the kitchen making dinner dancing to the same record she played every night.

Pulling up the dark haired male smile at the warm lights that shone from the home, his own personal sanctuary. Heaven on earth with its own mouth watering Angel. Oddly it was silence that greeted Lee, kicking the door shut the man shrugged out his leather jacket and a slight concern building within him. Turning the corner Lee stopped his eyes running over the scene that met him. A messy haired Y/N sat still on the couch, her legs carefully tucked under her silently waiting for him.

"Who was here huh?" Lee growled his stormy blue eyes burning with anger. From her smudged red lips to the crinkled shirt she had the audacity to wear knowing it wasn't his. "WHO WAS IT!" the large man screamed his muscles beginning to ache at the tense stance he held trying to maintain his anger. But there Y/N sat with a simple smirk plastered on her delicate features her large doe like eyes looking up at him. The pale blue shirt hung off her figure hiding her very clearly naked form from the sheriff's eyes. Lunging forward the sheriff couldn't stop his hand as he knocked the smaller woman into the couch, his fingers gripped at her neck almost begging to feel her take her last breath. Y/N didn't flinch, didn't cry out but instead remained silent taunting him with answers she was clearly never going to voice. "I could kill you right now and NOBODY would know. They wouldn't care." Lee grunted matter-of-factly his breath harsh against her y/s/c skin. 

Looking down at his childhood sweetheart the man crumbled. His almost possessed hand returning to the loving palm they both knew. "Please... Please tell me who it was." Lee begged his thumb running over the red stains that he knew had been neatly painted just a matter of hours before. "Who was it Y/N/N" the man cried out hot tears falling. Lee wouldn't never admit it to anyone but Y/N was his own personal drug. With just a bat of her eyelids she could get him to do anything she wished. He'd kill for her. If she told him to jump the only thing he'd ask was "how high?". The repetitive scratching of a record just teased the man immensely, and all she did was laugh. She laughed at him. One of those pitying laughs and he couldn't stand it. It's like she was wanting to punish him to hell. Pushing the man off her, the y/h/c woman rolled her eyes before her bare feet padded away leaving the man to watch her heartbroken tears still streaming down his face. 

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