Mycroft Holmes #3

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"I don't know why you insist on shipping Enola off Mycroft. Especially to that hell hole." Y/N grumbled the ticking of the grandfather clock proving most irritating. "It's a fine institution Y/N. It will instill some much needed values in that girl" Mycroft replied, not looking up from his paper. Frowning Y/N shook her head "Institution is a polite way of phrasing prison, it is no place for a child." "Please don't do this to me!" Enola spat bursting through the drawing room door. The action was completely ignored by both men. "Let me remain happy. I am happy here." the young girl begged.

"You are a young woman now, Enola. You need an education." Mycroft stated his grip tightening on the rosewood pipe currently in his possession. "If she taught you so well, you wouldn't be standing in your undergarments in front of me." Mycroft muttered bitterly. "Come Enola" Y/N sighed soothing her skirt before reaching for a woolen blanket to cover the brunette girl and hide her figure from the room. Though Y/N had only known the young girl for a matter of hours she felt protective over her. Maybe it was due to Mycroft being named Enola's guardian and yet still in this hour of need he acted like a bully. Or maybe it was because the y/h/c woman saw a lot of her young self in the youngest Holmes before it had been "educated out" of her as her husband would say. Glaring at her Husband Y/N hugged the girl tightly softly stroking the mess of brown locks at her shoulder. Enola may be independent when she wanted to be but she was still a girl, and one who very much needed a comforting hand to guide her through the tough transition she was about to face. Mycroft was of no such help.

"Well, we have had a lovely little chat, haven't we?" Miss Harrison interrupted the tension filled room oblivious as usual. "I can tell we're going to be firm friends." The headmistress continued digging her talons into Enola's arm, practically snatching her from the y/h/c female embrace like Enola was a new doll she could just manipulate. "I shall bring her tomorrow myself." Mycroft announced, ignoring his wife's sharp stare. "Allow me to show you out, Miss Harrison. I'm sure you have plenty of other things to be getting on with Y/N asserted already guiding the woman to the hall.

"May I kindly suggest you check your manners Miss Harrison after all isn't it one of the most important lessons a lady must learn?" Y/N mocked "It's Mrs. Holmes but I assume you already knew that. My the disappointment you must have felt when you realized which Holmes boy gave me that title." Scoffing the woman in question gathered her things off the ornate console table. "Must I remind you Miss Harrison I am no longer a little girl you can slap about and I do hope you won't treat Enola the same ." Y/N hissed a y/s/c hand sitting on her lower chest in hopes of stopping the quivers of anger just begging to be released. "I trust you can find your own way to the door?" Y/N asked sarcastically before spinning on her heel and returning to the drawing room to give Mycroft a piece of her mind whether he wanted it or not. 

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