Clifford Chatterley #3

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Steam filled the room, condensation collecting on the white tiles

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Steam filled the room, condensation collecting on the white tiles. Gathering her uniform skirts Y/N sighed gently as she settled beside the tub. "Thank you Y/N I appreciate it." Clifford Chatterley mumbled in embarrassment. You'd have thought the blonde haired man would be used to it by now but he still blushed like a school boy at needing help with the most basic of tasks. Softly running the sponge down the man's back Y/N smiled tenderly, she knew the man just wanted to be normal, he hated that his wife pitied him like he was a helpless child. "It's no problem Sir really" the y/h/c woman murmured, grabbing the carbolic soap from the small dish.

Leaning forward to clasp the woman's hand the blonde male frowned slightly "Clifford please Y/N."

"I don't think her ladyship would like it.." Y/N mumbled gently removing the males wet hand from her wrist before standing shakily to get the towel she'd been warming on the radiator. "I don't think she ever liked much." The man scoffed his blue eyes burning into the golden taps. "You shouldn't speak ill of those you love" Y/N tutted ignoring the man's verbal signal of disgust. "What if I don't love her..." Clifford questioned running a hand through his damp locks. 

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