Davin #1

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"Ah no Ruth it's your wedding day you don't need to worry about my single self" Y/N reassured. "No Fionnan insisted!!" The blonde informed her friend grinning like a madwomen. "And I for one think you'd be perfect for each other." The bride added softly pulling her friend gently over to the two men. "Y/N this is Davin our soppy best man." Fionnan introduced before leaving the pair to greet their many other guests. "I'm so sorry." Y/N blushed an awkward silence taking over. "I did try to tell Ruth this wasn't the place to play matchmaker."

Shaking his head the dark haired male smiled "no it's alright really." Maybe this would be the one to stay he thought. Ruth was happy and that's all he could ask for, now it was his turn. "Do you want a drink?" Davin asked gesturing to the free bar the other side of the dance floor. "Oh sure." Y/N mumbled still fighting the burning blush. One drink later this tall dark and handsome stranger had made her laugh more then she'd thought humanly possible. Little did they know a year down the line they be at another reception, but this time their own. Flaws and all.

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