Young!Bill Anderson #1

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** obviously set before bill meets Donna**

"Bill?!" Sighing the y/h/c girl stepped gingerly on the boat "Bill are you here?" Y/N called again hoping the young man would hear her and save the girl the need to head into the small enclosed space below deck but alas life was not that simple it seemed. Coughing lightly to interrupt the blonde male currently clattering about the cabin sorting... well attempting to sort space for his upcoming boat race. Bill's version of sort was just dumping things on the small galley bed the pair never really used even on nights they had arguments. Wincing Y/N called his name again partly hoping he wouldn't answer her. Smiling the man turned to the y/h girl launching her into a most uncomfortable hug. "Ow Bill what the hell is that?!" The girl jumped her y/e/c orbs falling on the offending item, a plastic swordfish ornament Bill picked up on one of his many travels. Throwing the object across the cabin Bill laughed brushing a lock of his blonde hair out of his face. "Sorry Sweetheart every time I try to clean up I seem to find more stuff."

"I can see that." Y/N giggled Bill had a bad habit of picking up useless trinkets of each location he'd visited and the cabin wasn't really big enough to be a home and a museum. Reaching out for her hand Bill frowned. "Where's your ring?" Catching her bottom lip Y/N sighed gently pulling her y/s/c hand out of the man's grip. "Where is it Y/N? You said you'd never take it off?" Bill asked his tone light and cheerful though the latter clearly forced. Stepping away Y/N stared at her worn sneakers, the weathered canvas suddenly the most interesting thing in the world. "Bill please. You don't want this." Y/N muttered holding back the tears burning her eyes. "Don't tell me what I want!" Bill raised his voice, confusion laced in his tone. "I'm not trying to Bill. But look at you! You want to see the world and have adventures.... Perhaps it's meant to be without me" Y/N gestured to the boat before her arm fell lifelessly at her side. "I mean you're not exactly the kind of guy who wants to be tied down." Y/N joked halfheartedly referring to the old Bill who could smile and have any pick of the girls not just in their hometown but all of Sweden if he really wanted to. Picking at her cable knit jumper Y/N sighed turning to leave but pausing. Fishing the ring out of her pocket the girl placed a kiss on it placing it on the side knowing it would sit there for a while, the pair both too heartbroken to look at the metal circle. "I would put all the adventures in the world on hold for you!" Bill whispered knowing Y/N didn't hear him.

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