Louis Tomlinson #2

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Taking a quick sip of water Y/N adjusted herself in her chair trying to get comfortable. The singer had already been sat here for longer then she cared and watching audition after audition was getting tiring. "You okay." Louis asked the girl gently offering a kind smile in questioning. Louis was sweet and charming and as of yet nobody knew they were dating. By nobody I mean the general public of course close friends and family knew. In fact Simon Cowell revelled in the fact that he had introduced the pair in the first place. Y/N had met the now young man back in 2015 at one of Simon's more quiet get togethers.

The pair had an attraction from day one but with the members of 1D going their separate ways and Y/N about to go on tour their relationship didn't progress past the friends stage. How silly it felt now if they looked back on it, even when they were just friends no one could compare to Louis mischievous personality or Y/N's insane levels empathy and compassion and as much as Louis hated to admit it because looks aren't important she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. And as his younger sister's would say they were #endgame.

This is what led to them holding hands under the judges table like teenagers in a English lesson. The audience cheering for the next contestant is what broke the couple of out of their trance. "My name is Scott Wilkes I'm 22 years old and I live in Birmingham." The male said in a somewhat cocky tone but maybe he was just brimming with confidence. Cheers continued to erupt from both Ayda Field and the crowd, the former of which revealed how much she loved a Brummie accent. "I'll be singing some Tom Jones just because I know how much Y/N likes it." The blonde man added winking cheekily. Okay so definitely cocky then. Smiling politely Y/N awkwardly thanked the man before signalling he could start when he was ready. In that moment, Louis seemed to tense up. Just as the music began Louis felt the need to mention the lack of buttons currently used to contain Scott's dignity maybe it was jealousy... who are we kidding it was jealousy. The performance was going okay it was a drastic step up from most of the auditions from the day but still lacked a little something. And that something did not include Scott asking the audience if they wanted him to take his shirt off... more than once before like a toddler getting stuck whilst attempting to sexily undress himself. Sighing Y/N struggled to keep the need to cringe inside and rubbed her temples. Louis for once was quiet, Robbie pulled a face, Ayda looked just downright confused and Simon well he looked like a tomato due to how hard he was trying to contain his laughter.

The five judges shared unimpressed looks before Louis picked up his pen, using it to point like a teacher would when scolding a child. "Scott I'll begin I think you've got a really good voice and I don't think you need to do all that." Louis Yorkshire accent became more apparent with each word. Placing her y/s/c hand on his thigh in comfort Y/N began her thoughts. "I'm really sorry Scott I don't mean to be rude." the y/h/c girl started off softly "I think you've gotten a little confused. This is an audition for the X factor not Magic Mike." a soon as the y/h girl stopped talking the audience all audibly winced and Louis involuntarily cackled. "It's actually quite disappointing you've tried to use your sexuality to enhance your performance rather than your talent." Shaking her head in disappointment Y/N allowed the other judges to give their feedback. "I still can't believe I've just told someone they're being too cocky." Robbie chuckled in disbelief, Louis shrugged "Y/N doesn't like cocky anyway so fat chance he had." Yes he may be 27 but he could still get jealous like a sappy lovestruck teenager. Well actually he was sappy and lovestruck but that's a different story. It wasn't until the episode aired that it was revealed that Louis moment of green-eyed jealousy had stayed in. And of course after that their relationship could no longer be kept under wraps. At first he thought he'd be disappointed that he'd have to share Y/N but after a 2nd thought Louis recognized he wouldn't have it any other way.

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