Jack Malik #1

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"Y/N come here there's somebody I really want you to meet!" Deborah politely demanded her fresh manicure digging into the y/s/c girls wrist

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"Y/N come here there's somebody I really want you to meet!" Deborah politely demanded her fresh manicure digging into the y/s/c girls wrist. The blonde American was bearable at most after a couple of shots but of course at events like this hard liquor wasn't available. "This is the genius Jack Malik!" Deborah stated before dropping the girls arm and walking away to make even more money at a conversation she deemed much more important.

"It's nice to meet you." The man mumbled awkwardly, his grip visibly tightening on his glass. "Relax. Please it's making me nervous" Y/N joked hoping to break the tension. "Sorry. Sorry it's just you're... well you know who you are but yeah um.." He rambled, it was quite sweet really. "I'm sorry this just isn't exactly my crowd.." Jack trailed off his arm subtly gesturing to the room full of A list and B list celebrities. Laughing Y/N agreed "Yeah not exactly my activity of choice either if I'm honest."

Taking a sip of her rosé Y/N cringed at the loud cackling of Deborah "So Jack Malik what do you do?". Sighing Jack thought about it carefully. He wasn't quite sure what he did. He was currently an up and going talent who was really making a career off other peoples music. "I'm a musician I guess.." Tilting her head in confusion the y/h/c girl frowned "You guess?"

Nodding Jack felt like an idiot, of course he sounded like he was absolutely crazy. "It's not my music you see." He explained tensing up. "And who's music is it? Ed's?" Y/N asked knowing the red headed singer had Jack Tour with him last minute. "The Beatles." Jack declared firmly. What was the point he was the only one who remembered them? It's not like the Model Y/N L/N of all people would know who they are . "Oh right yeah John Lennon, Paul McCartney and co." the woman nodded.

"I'm sorry?" Jack questioned. She couldn't have just said what he thought she did. Could she? "Hm sorry I don't know where that came from it just sounded right." The woman mumbled confused. 

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