George Weasley #1

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"Hand me the  marauders map George

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"Hand me the  marauders map George." Fred Weasley urged his palm held out. The Weasley twins were two of the biggest pranksters to rock the cobbled halls but that didn't necessarily mean they were the best. Patting his pocket George panicked before turning to his twin frantically. "Um Fred I thought you had it?!"

"Lost something boys?"  Y/N asked her voice making the twins jump. Y/N L/N was a beautiful 4th year y/h/h but the fact she was the Queen of pranks made her even more perfect. Blushing red George shook his head stuttering through a sentence. "No.. um we um." Pouting Y/N pushed herself away the the small alcove she'd hidden herself in. "I didn't understand a word you just said. But are you sure you're not missing anything." The mischievous grin on her delicate features made George blush harder. "Something about yay high and this wide." Y/N gestured. "Maybe a little something like this?" Flashing the map to the pair Y/N giggled before sauntering off.

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