Larvell Jones #1

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Sighing Y/N tugged at her blue shorts cringing at the miniscule piece of fabric that sat at her upper thigh

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Sighing Y/N tugged at her blue shorts cringing at the miniscule piece of fabric that sat at her upper thigh. Unlike Karen, Y/N didn't exactly thrive in the uniform and with each step they seemed to raise just a little more.  "Admit it you like him even if he did practically try to undress you within 5 seconds of meeting you." The y/h/c girl laughed her arm wrapped around Hooks smaller frame though the three girls came from completely different walks of life; they had bonded through homesick nights and guelling days with Harris and his two manipulative minions. "Of course I don't... he just well he makes his presence well known." Karen defended pausing to pull up one of her socks. Scoffing Y/N nodded in fake understanding "Are you sure that's the only reason or do you want to give your mother another heart attack?"

Running away from Karen's swatting limb the y/h/c girl bumped into Larvell Jones aka Mahoney's right hand man. "Oh i'm sorry Jones." the girl stammered a pink hue building up on her y/s/c cheeks. She hadn't come to the academy to look for love.. Well for a one sided crush but here she was turning red and bashful in a guys presence who barely spoke. Smiling softly the man nodded in acceptance at the apology moving to the side to let the girl continue on her way. "I guess i'll see you later then?" the girl asked mentally scolding herself at the awkwardness she'd caused. Walking away Y/N frowned she was training to be a cop and she couldn't even confront her feelings, how pathetic!

"Y/N!?" Jones called his voice almost startling "Do you want to go to the party with me?" The taller male shuffled on his feet like a child being told off. Pausing Y/N grinned turning to face him. "I'd love that." She admitted brushing a fallen lock of hair out her flushed face. "Okay well i'll look forward to it." Larvell announced losing his newly gained confidence as soon as his eyes fell on Thompson and Hooks approaching figures. Nodding her head wildly Y/N smiled before continuing her original route to the gym.

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