Rather distinguished - Harry Beltik

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"Please tell me you'll come visit me sometime Y/N" the redheaded protégé begged as she signed out of the hotel. "Beth I couldn't possibly bother you like that." Y/N shook her head a soft smile filling her y/s/c features. "Nonsense!" Beth Harmon announced pinching a notepad from the concierge desk, scribbling her address and telephone number down before thrusting it at the shocked British girl. Paris had only felt like yesterday and though Beth hadn't won the tournament she'd made a firm friend in Y/N a fellow model and acquaintance of Cleo. "That will be a $1.50." the taxi driver grumbled, not even caring to look at his passenger. "Oh of course." The y/h girl mumbled awkwardly handing over the change before getting out and gathering her suitcase.

American suburbia was definitely different to what Y/N was used to having only visited America once or twice before. Even then she'd been working in New York. Checking the sun stained scrap of paper the girl fixed her y/h/c locks. Heaven forbid the girls Mother found out she'd introduced herself in such a disheveled state, the fact she'd already met the Harmon girl of little importance especially to a lady such as Mrs. L/N. "Hallo Beth, long time no see. I remember you invited me to stay and well I had some down time so I thought why not?" Y/N whispered the introduction to herself hoping she wouldn't sound like a fool. "Hi Beth I thought I'd take you up on the offer of a visit. No Y/N that's what an idiot would say." The girl grumbled at herself as she walked up the steps onto the porch. What if she'd misread Beth's kind offer? Y/N hated to be a bother. Ringing the doorbell the girl waited patiently, the local birds chirping merrily amongst themselves providing a pleasant tune. "She won't answer." A man announced interrupting the young woman's thoughts. "Bloody hell!!" Y/N jumped heart racing at the strangers sudden presence. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you?" The man continued jogging up the steps to extend a hand in greeting. "I'm Harry... Harry Beltik." the man said, smiling gently. Blushing Y/N accepted the hand still hovering in the warm air "Y/N L/N."

"What were you doing?" Y/N asked referring to the man's sudden appearance from what seemed to be thin air. "I've been checking on Beth but I'm still not getting anything. I thought I'd check her windows." Harry explained frowning that he'd been unsuccessful in getting the redhead's attention. Though their friendship had been left somewhat awkwardly after their small fling Harry still cared for the younger woman. "Is Beth okay?" Y/N panicked. Shrugging the dark haired man frowned again "I haven't spoken to her in a while admittedly. You?" Sighing Y/N shook her head "Well I must admit Beth hasn't been answering my phone calls but last i heard from Benny she was preparing for Russia."

"What am I going to do? Beth's the only person I know here." Y/N cried out settling herself on the concrete step crumpling into the iron bannister in exhaustion. "Well you could stay with me?" Harry offered embarrassment flooding his pale cheeks as his voice cracked. "I mean at least until you find some other arrangement of course." Hoping the second statement had saved him from coming across as a creep. Jumping up Y/N hugged the man tightly "Oh Mr. Beltik you're a lifesaver." Coughing uncomfortably Harry nodded "I'm sorry I'm a hugger I should have asked." Y/N scolded herself "It's alright I'm just not used to beautiful women throwing themselves at me." Harry joked his accent seemed to become thicker the less bashful he became. "Well I find that very hard to believe!" Y/N grinned brushing the nonexistent dirt from her dress. "Also please call me Harry Mr. Beltik makes me feel old." Reaching down for the foreigners suitcase Harry gestured to a vehicle parked a few steps away. "I think it makes you sound rather distinguished personally." Y/N called after the man who's large strides proved hard to keep up with. Putting the case in the trunk Harry laughed, something he rarely seemed to do anymore between the stress of work, studying and of course Beth. "I don't believe distinguished is a word many would use for someone from Kentucky."

"Maybe you'll be the first." the girl hummed as she watched Harry open the passenger door for her. "Maybe." The man agreed. 

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