John Lennon #4

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"Eh here she comes John

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"Eh here she comes John." Paul nudged his taller friend, his brown doe eyes falling on the group of school girls they all knew well. Smirking John pushed himself off the rusting railing he'd been leaning on dropping the cigarette he'd been attending to. Watching the girls walk past without batting an eyelid caused the cocky scouser to frown "Oi Y/N!" John called after the girl as she continued ignoring him shielded by her friends as they waited patiently for the bus. "What's her problem?" Paul asked over the jeering of the other boy's shaking his head in embarrassment the dark haired boy stalked over.

"You deaf or something?" John mocked placing a hand on the y/h/c girls shoulder trying to turn her to face him. "Get lost Lennon!" Helen scoffed violently, removing the older boy's hand from her friend. "Listen here I wasn't talking to you." John scowled, anger building. "Jesus Y/N/N what's got your knickers in a twist."

Whipping around to face the tall male the teenage girl glared "I don't know John what could you have possibly done this time!" Gripping her bag strap so hard the girl's knuckles turn white. "Maybe! Just maybe you shouldn't fuck a girl in public where anyone could see! Anyone like me!" Y/N screamed she didn't care who heard just like John hadn't cared when he cheated. "You really are a fucking low life John Lennon." the y/h girl continued to berate him angry tears forming in her y/e/c eyes. He didn't apologise then or over the weekend, instead he decided to act dumb but everyone could see the guilty look currently taking hold of his pale features. Moving forward to hug the girl John was shocked at the balled up fist that greeted him.

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