Robert Chase #1

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"Allison" Y/N greeted warmly as if she hadn't just been rushed into the ER medical staff fusing over her

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"Allison" Y/N greeted warmly as if she hadn't just been rushed into the ER medical staff fusing over her. Confused Cameron mumbled a greeting back before joining the y/h/c woman in her cubicle. "Are you okay?!" The brunette panicked her eyes frantically running over the 6 month pregnant female. "I'm fine. Really." Y/N reassured despite the occasional winces in pain as she attempted to readjust herself to continue holding the conversation. Rushing forward Allison helped the girl still trying to figure out what had happened. Y/N never wanted to bother anyone so getting information out of her was often quite a job maybe it was just in her nature or her father's personality was just that infectious. "Please don't tell him I don't want him to worry." Y/N whispered guiltily to her boyfriend's colleague knowing his job was already stressful enough without knowing she was in the hospital and not as a social visit. Frowning Cameron read the charts she'd managed to steal off a passing nurse "Which one?" Smiling Y/N shrugged "whichever one you see first." A second later the girl added "it's not like secrets are well kept in this place." Waving to Cuddy who's heard of the girl's presence in her ER and was now briskly storming over concerned.

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