Jack Whitehall #2

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** I couldn't find a gif for S4 of TWMF as it only just came on Netflix today anyway**

"Honestly Hilary Molly's wedding is going to be beautiful." Y/N gushed over the pages of colour schemes and fabric samples ignoring her grown boyfriends complaints of embarrassment. "Well it's only a few weeks away now but there's still so much to do." Hilary muttered ignoring both males at the table who clearly just wanted to get started on their meals. "For example the cake table needs a ribbon and i just can't seem to choose between this byzantium or punch."

"Pink!" Jack announced hoping that his call would make the two women shut up about weddings. Turning to face the bearded man Y/N frowned rolling her eyes "It's not pink Jack it's punch!" before returning to her conversation. "Well Molly has gone for quite a vintage theme so maybe punch would be better the colour just screams silk and lace." Agreeing the older lady noticed the waiter had returned. Ah another person she could slowly bore to death with wedding talk thought Jack. Placing the book away Hilary ignored her husband's jabs her eyes narrowing on her eldest son who was still sat pulling faces. "Honestly Jack I hope you don't behave like this when you and Y/N are planning your wedding!" Spitting out his drink the comedian blushed his voice high pitched and wavering "Right, changing the conversation!"

"You could do a lot worse." Michael grumbled, the heat starting to irritate him, honestly who's idea was it to visit the land of criminal descendants. He'd been quite happy in Putney with Hilary and Winston of course without joining his son gallivanting. "I'll take that as a complement." Y/N joked. The y/h/c girl had been dating Jack for the past 5 and became quite used to the perceived harsh dynamic. Even though the camera's were still rolling Michael broke a smile knowing the girl had not taken it in a bad jest. "Your father's right Jack you won't do much better than Y/N. She's perfect." Blushing the girl in question took a sip of her rosé. "I know she is Mother but I haven't even proposed yet." Jack sighed wanting the ground to just swallow him whole. It was bad enough that season 4 of his Netflix show had only just started being filmed and that he was currently sat in the Sydney Opera House with his longtime girlfriend and parents. Why Y/N stayed around he never did know but that's probably what he loved most about her. He could act like a complete knob and she'd still be there for him at the end of the day. Maybe growing up just a little wouldn't hurt.

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