Elton John #2

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"No absolutely not! Absolutely not Elton!" The y/h girl argued hissing loudly moving around the man to continue placing books on the old shelves. "But this is it Y/N" Elton stated following the girl hot on her heels. "I can't just drop everything Elton!" Y/N replied, still ignoring the man's pleads. "I have a life here." The girl continued. "And I'm sure it's a wonderful one if slightly depressing." The man replied, taking a seat on the counter next to the till much to the girls dismay. "You'll regret not going and I refuse to take no for an answer" Elton continued watching the girl avoiding his gaze. "Oh right well after an amazing argument like that I should most definitely drop everything to follow you to L.A!" the y/h/c female scoffed smoothing her royal blue cardigan. "I need you Y/N/N who else will repair my outfits created by the most fantastic novice fashion designer." The man begged hoping the flattery would convince the girl to change her mind. "And if all that doesn't convince you Bernie's coming too." Elton teased knowing girl's feelings regarding the lyricist. Sighing Y/N shook her head "I can't. I'm sorry."

"Yes you can all you need to say is yes!" The man declared running a hand through his messy locks before readjusting his glasses. "If it will get you to leave me alone for the love of god then yes!" Y/N answered swatting the male of her counter. "Great" Elton cheered making his way to the door, the little golden bell ringing signaling he'd opened it. "We leave tomorrow." The small smile dropped from her y/s/c features real quick "WHAT!?"

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