pt. dos

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Episode : Hurricane Victor

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"I can't wait for your performance, Alex!" squeals Andrea.

The two were at lunch, eating on the unoccupied staircase.
Of course, the girl was insanely happy to finally see Alex play the cello; this would be her first time.

"You know, you don't have to come. Seriously, it's gonna be boring and it's all stupid classical songs and I know you hate classical music."

"So? I can bear myself half an hour of that, besides your mom invited me and my dad. Sadly, my dad can't make it, but that doesn't mean I can."

It was clear to say, Alex was very embarrassed to play the cello.
It's one of those obscure things his mother made him do, and it was needed for his credits for school. Choosing the cello though, that was out of his hands, no one wanted to play it.

"Okay, fine, but no videos, no pictures, and no talking about it! This is my last performance and I want it done and over with."

Rolling her dark eyes, she agreed, "Deal, and next time, choose art. You may have me for that class next year."

Oh, he wished it would've chosen art.
The only reason why he didn't was because the art teacher completely despised Alex. That was because back in the 6th grade, he was fooling around with Finn and he managed to get thick pink paint all over the classroom, ruining a lot of people's work, including the teachers.

He was banned after that, but now that this is the teacher's last year teaching, he could end the nightmare of band.


Alex turns growing a smile, seeing Andrea holding a tater tot in her hand.

The boy opened his mouth, as she threw the piece up, landing it directing in the mouth.

The two cheered, as they continued to eat their lunch.


"Hi, I'm Victor."

The definition of awkward is having your ex seeing your shirtless landlord, having you decide what to wear for your son's performance.

Schneider held up his shirt to his chest, surprised and embarrassed to see Victor right there.

"Is this the guy you are seeing?" The ex questioned, causing the two adults to hysterically laugh.

"You think he and I?"
"Like we would ever!"

"Oh, hey, man. I'm Schneider, by the way," The glassed man introduced, putting on one of his shirts, "She never told me you were so funny."

"So you're just the guy who takes my son out to baseball and does all the dad stuff?" Victor says.

Schneider then laughs nervously, "Are we still laughing?"

"I'm not."
"I am. 'Cause I'm afraid to stop."

"You know what, I gotta be honest, I think I was happier when I thought you were sleeping with my wife."

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