pt. tres

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Episode: The Turn

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"Well, we gotta do something," Schneider states, walking over to the family, "This is racist! Should we call the police? Wait, the army! No! Oprah! She'll know what to do."

"Gracias for your anger, Schneider. It is adorable," Abuelita nods.

"I mean, what the hell? This is America!"

"Yeah, this is America," Penelope speaks, "And unfortunately, this stuff happens here. Not to you, but it happens."

"Well, I know it happens. I'm a very aware Canadian-x person. I know racism's a thing, but we live in LA. It doesn't happen here... And now that I've said that out loud, I wish I hadn't."

"Yeah, because it happens here. Yeah, maybe just a dirty look... or someone saying, 'Keep your voice down' which we all know is code for 'Latinos are too loud'."

"It's called passion!" exclaimed the grandmother.

"Man, I feel for Alex. I feel for Andrea. You know, I get how this stuff builds up. Finally, you say, 'Not today!' But nobody saw the other 100 times this crap happened. They just see the one time you lose it."

"Yeah, and ever since somebody decided to call an entire group of Latinos rapists and criminals, everyone thinks they can say whatever racist thought occurs to them," Elena sighs.

"So what, we're going backwards?" Schneider shakes his head. "That's it, tomorrow I'm getting on Twitter and putting a stop to all of this."

"Most of it is so stupid. People lump us all together," The mother says, "I mean 'beaner'? It's more of a Mexican slur."

"Yes. How dare they call us Mexicans."
"Now what we're mad about, Mami."

"I've been called a beaner, and I think it's a compliment, 'cause Cubans, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, we all have pretty good beans."

"No, no, Cubans have the best beans. We are the true beaners!"
"Now what we are made about, Mami."

Penelope continues, "You know what word makes me see red? Lazy. That just brings up 'siesta' and 'you people don't want to work hard.'"

"Yeah, I mean, either we're taking all your jobs or we're lazy. Pick one!" Elena exclaims.

"Thank you. By the way, you need to get a job."

Schneider exhales, "I get it. There's a word people sometimes call me, too."

"Trust fund man-child baby?"
The Alvarez woman guess.

"I'll say it! The word... is 'white'. I see it all stunned you all into silence. But you hear how it sounds? It's just dropped with privilege, rich, pale, uncool, bad dancer, Maroon Five fan... which is crazy 'cause Maroon Five is the best!"

"Sorry," Penelope comforts, in sarcasm, "I don't know where these stereotypes come from."

"Well, I've been called the worst thing that a person could ever be called," Lydia says.

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