pt. dos

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Episode : No Mass

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Alex and Andrea look at each other in awkwardness, knowing a fight will be happening.

Penelope says to her mother, "I work hard all week. When I get home, there's barely enough time to have a meal with the kids. Weekends are my only chance. So, this Sunday, no church. End of discussion."

"No me levantes la voz." Lydia snaps.

Carmen and the two kids "ooh"ed at what the elderly woman said.

"Stuffs about to got down." Andrea and Alex thought.

"What? What did she say?" Elena asked them.

Penelope starts to fire up, "I am raising my voice, because I cannot believe we're having this discussion! I'm their mother! I don't need to ask permission! I decide."

"And I am your mother, and I decide what you decide."

Schneider couldn't take this arguing, so he stepped in, "We are a family, damn it! Don't make me choose between you."

Then he changed to, "Okay, I choose Lydia because of her warm food and even warmer hugs. But I'd feel really bad about it!"

Penelope officially was done, "All right, everybody, go do your homework. Schneider, go call one of your moms."

Everyone got up, and the handyman had a comment to say, while grabbing his plate, "Fine. Let's go Dre-Dre, we'll watching Finding Nemo in front of my massive TV."

The single mom mutters, "Thought it was at your dad's house-"
"I have one, too!"

Schneider gently grabbed the girls hand and dragged her away from the Alvarez.
Alex looked at the girl in confusion and slightly annoyed.
Andrea only shrugged in reply, but followed Schneider either way.

Everyone was away and it was only the two grown women in the room.

"Okay, Mami.." Penelope starts off, "I love you, but I'm their mother, and you're making decisions that I should be making."

"Ah, sí?"

"Yeah. Like, I don't like the kids having dessert every night."
"Oh, come on. Es una cosita." Lydia complains.

"But we have to watch our sugar. Dad had diabetes."

"So, I killed your father?!"
"What? No!"

Penelope had to explain again, "Mami, look around. I told you, I don't want crosses and pope stuff everywhere. My apartment looks like Jesus' Pinterest page. This is my house, and I decide if I want obese kids or the pope staring at me while I pee."

"Ah... yo entiendo." Lydia went on, "I cook, I clean, I teach the children manners... but if I should have an opinion, you want me to keep my mouth shut."

"Ay, exactly. Thank you for understanding-"

The elderly woman continued, "So, I am a servant? Like Cinderella? No, Cinderbuela."

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