Bobos y Mamitas

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Episode: Bobos and Mamitas

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          ANDREA SAT AT THE BREAKFAST table on her phone and eating her bagel, with Lydia doing her morning yoga beside her. She always loved to be with the Alvarez's, it made her feel welcomed.

"That's 2," Elena shouts over the flushing of the toilet. Alex was hogging the bathroom and — like siblings do — Alex was annoying his sister. "That's 3!" Then a spam of a toilet flushing came. "Oh, my god, 5?! What's going on in there?"

Alex finally walked out of the bathroom, satisfied. "The first one was for pee. And the last 4 were to piss you off."

"So you're basically murdering the planet just to spite me?"

"Yeah, and it worked."

"Ay. It's impossible to be Zen in this house," Abuelita grumbled.

"You know, it's bad enough you take 40 minute showers," Elena informs her brother.

"I have to use water to get ready," He defends, "Every time I show up at school, there are all these eyes expecting perfection."

Andrea chuckled at the boy's vain behavior. Lydia hugs the boy from behind. "And you give it to them, papito."

The woman patted Alex's head, which he quickly reacted from, trying to correct his hair. "Easy. It's setting."
He sat down next to Andrea and asked her, "Did your parents ever text you back to see when there coming back?"

The girl didn't respond to what the boy said, she just ignored him, for the fact that they've never responded or even seen her messages. Her rude-ish attitude was unlike her and Alex knew then again that something was up, so he stopped before the girl freaks out on him.

"Mija, why are you in your uniform before you shower and get ready?" Lydia asked her granddaughter, noticing her messy hair that was tied in an extra messy bun and wearing her glasses.

Elena answers, "I am ready, Abuelita."

"That's what I was afraid of," The woman mutters.

Penelope came into the room, hurrying the family. "Okay, everybody. Let's go. I can't be late. We're having one of our staff meetings at work."

"Aren't there 4 of you?" Elena asked.

"And yet, we take attendance," The woman continues, "But, I actually got some good stuff to talk about today, so hopefully I can get through it without being interrupted by Scott, the freakin' bobo."

Andrea spoke up, "I know bobo is an insult and all, but it sounds like he's some clown." The girl shudders in the last word; clowns were the worst.

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