pt. dos

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Episode : One Lie at a Time

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"So I've been civilian for ten years and I still get anxious when I'm shopping for clothes," Penelope tells the women.

"I feel that," Ramona comments.

"Ramona, you're an amazing hype woman. You're coming with me everywhere."
"You do you, girl."
"Seriously, I love that so much!"

The Alvarez woman was killing it in the therapy session. The woman loved her straight forward charisma and Penny loved that she felt heard in the group.
It made her feel at home, in a way.

"Anyways, there's too many choices, right? I mean, it used to be one uniform, which we all crushed, because we were in the best shape of our lives. But then we get out, and it's like, why did we do all those side straddle hops when there's Spanx?" Penelope had joked, causing all the women to hysterically laugh.

"Anyway, Pam, pick someone else. I don't really feel like talking today."

"Uh, our session ended 15 minutes ago." Pam checked her watch. "Thank you all for coming."

As all the veteran began to pack their stuff to leave for the road, Penelope felt very emotional, even started feel her eyes water so quickly.

"Oh, it's okay, Alvarez, the rest of us will talk next week," Jill spoke.

Penelope shakes her head and looked over to all the brave women. "It just feels so good to let it all out with you ladies. You're just... You're all so strong and you're so beautiful. Thank you for having me."

"Thank you, Penelope," Pam said, comforting the Cuban.

"Release those tears, mama!" Ramona cheers on.

"Seriously, never stop."


Andrea was in her room, just wiping all the tears off of her face.

It had been a bit since her mom left, her dad hadn't came home yet, so she felt it would be the perfect time to just release her tears without being interrupted-

"Why is your window locked?"

The girl snapped her neck to her closed curtain window, hearing Alex's voice and him knocking onto the glass from the outside.

She quickly had pulled herself together and opened the curtain and window, letting the boy inside.

"Aren't you suppose to be writing that essay for English? You and I both know you are the king of procrastination," She jokes, closing her window.

Alex sets his books down on her bed. "Hey, I like being in your room, it's comfy. Besides, I need your help on the grammar."

"So you really just want me to do it for you?"
"... Basically, yes."

Andrea kisses her teeth. "Welp, sorry, Lex, but I'm kind of in a not-so-good mood, and I'm really lazy, so no. Goodbye!"

But despite her grabbing his books off her desk, Alex was already getting cozy on her bed.

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