pt. tres

2.9K 94 20

Episode: Sex Talk

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Penelope drive straight to the boy's house, rushing to the door to knock and rattle it.
No one answered, as music played from the inside of the house.

She tried looking at the window, but it was blocked by the thick curtain, so desperately, she went to look through the doggie door.

Sticking upper body in, she sees Elena, Josh, and some other girl's back heads, watching some movie in front of them.

"There's no party. There's just three of them," The mother comments by gasped, "Three."

"As you can see, ladies, I've got more than enough for the both of you," tells Josh, making the mother gasp again.

What she didn't realize was that, the third head on the couch was only a young little girl and what he was talking about was the bowl of popcorn.

The little girl stuffs her hand in the bowl, making some of the popcorn spill on the floor.

"Oh, relax, I got it," Elena says, bending her head forward, which didn't look good from Penelope's point of view.

The Alvarez woman screams, "ELENA!" stopping her daughter and making everyone from the couch jump in fright.

"Mom," The teen girl shout, "what are you doing?"

"What are you going?"

"I'm watching a movie with Josh and his little sister!"

"You scared me," The girl comments, with a weirded look to the mother.

The realization hit the woman, as Josh's parents enter the room.

"What's going on?" Josh's mother spoke.

"Hey, Barb, Dave," Penelope greets, awkwardly, "Love this hardwood floors. What is this, bamboo?"

"Penelope, would you like to come in?" Dave asked.

"Yeah, sure. You know, let me just unwedge myself from your doggie door before I embarrass myself."

She got herself out from the door and closed the door behind her, trying to defuse the awkwardness in the room.

"It's good to see you two. All here. Not out of town."

"Why would we be out of town?"

"No reason," chuckles the cuban, "Just 12-year-olds who don't know anything, they say a lot of stuff."

"We must not have heard you knock. We were watching a movie," Josh explains.

"Would you like to join us," Barb invites.

"No," Both Alvarez answers her.

"Thank you," The mom smiles, "No, I just came by to bring Elena... my jacket."

She takes off her dark blue jacket giving it to her daughter.

"Okay. I'll just put it on over this jacket," The glasses teen points out, to her green jean jacket.

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