pt. dos

10K 191 49

Episode : This Is It
TW: none

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THE NEXT DAY, ANDREA WAS feeling down.
Her mom was away on a 'business trip' with her dad. She always hated when her parents do that, being alone in her apartment terrified her, but she was grateful the Alvarez family let her stay over till they came back, like they always do.

She knew something was off about her adopted parents for the longest time, but was too polite to ask or investigate.

Alex, though, was the only one who could tell something was nagging at her. Every time he would try to talk to her about it, she would just rub it off, saying she was just tired or just not talk about it at all.
He knew her family life wasn't as great as she painted it out to be.

He had always see Andrea as a ray of positive light. Before, she would still try to find the best in her family's situations, and try to fix them at best as she could. That's one of many of the things Alex liked about her.

This time though... it was too personal for Andrea to say or do anything about.


ANDREA was at her apartment, packing some clothes to spend the night at Alex's. She was taking her time and just trying to figure out what could be wrong with her family.

They hadn't had a Family Game Night or dinners together in such a long time. Everyone was so close back then, but now the Wilkins-Hinojosa family was distant, it felt like strangers were living in the same home.

As she tried to figure it out, the girl was still waiting on her parents reply to her many texts, just wanting to know how they were.

Long story story, they never replied back.


"HEY, Alvarez's!" Andrea walks into the apartment, greeting everyone in the room.

Everyone smiles at her, and yet the girl's attention to the five boxes of shoes and Alex's absence.

"He's in his room," Penelope quickly answers, as Andrea was making her way to his room.

Going into his room, she could see him, slump on his bed. "You saw the shoes?"

"Lex, I specifically told you not to do it. I told you to just stick with the white pair," Hinojosa tells her friend.

"I know, I know. Well, now I'm screwed, with Elena's stupid shoes."

"You mean, the ones with——"
"The princesses and stupid pink sparkly shoes. Yes."

Andrea couldn't help herself as to laugh at the boy. Alex then throws a pillow to her to stop the girl from laughing.

"I'm trying to stay mad over here!"

Night falls, Alex and Andrea were talking all about the boy's pink shoes.

"At least the pink compliments your eyes." The girl brings up.

Alex look at the girl as if she said the dumbest thing possible, she simply chuckles softly at his reaction.

Then Penelope came in the room. "Hey. The ladies be looking at your feet. Somethings wrong. Am I right?" She tried to get a laugh out of Alex.
"I'm sorry."

"Nah, I can make these work," He says.

Penelope walks in the room. "Or, I noticed you bought a pair for under 40 bucks, which means you did the right thing before you did the many, many wrong things."

She pulls out the box that held the white shoes and Alex was grateful for it. "Really? Oh, thank you! I was trying to be brave, but even the nuns would've made fun of me."

Andrea snickers as she looks closer at Elena's pink shoes, while Alex tried on his shoes.

"Listen," Penelope talks to him, "You don't have to worry about being the man of the house. First of all, we don't have a house, so there's that. You just be a 12 year old boy, okay?"

"Okay. And your right, I shouldn't worry too much about what's going on down here, when I got so much going on up here," Alex smirks, circling his face as to have them 'admire' it.

"Ah! Puberty's gonna got you like a train," Penelope mutters before leaving to Elena's room.

"What does that mean?" Alex asked his best friend.

"You're gonna be the prettiest princess out there," Andrea jokes, "But not as pretty as me."

"Oh please, I'm way more attractive than you. Have you seen this face?"
"Sure do, Metal-mouth."

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sorry if the spanish is wrong,  i am a 'no sabo' kid and google translate is my only resource!
also ignore future spanish words that aren't in the story, thank youuu xoxo
— Mariena

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