pt. dos

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Episode : The Death of Mrs. Resnick

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Penelope and Schneider looked surprised to see a smile woman, standing in front of them, being their sales person.

"I got this!" Schneider whisperingly, assures his friend.

He pulls out the pen in his shirt pocket, throwing it in the floor, which caused it to roll under the car beside him.

He turns to try to find the pen, but to see nothing.
"Damn it, that's a Montblanc!"

Schneider grunts as he gets down completely on the ground, searching for the pen.

"Oh, yeah... that's my husband." Penelope tries to act. "I married him for his flat ass."

Jill ignored the 'husband' and went straight to Ms. Alvarez. "I see you served."

"Yes, I was an army medic in Afghanistan." She tells the woman, before faking her shoulder hurting with her groan. "Ai, sorry, sorry! I sustained a school fee injury in the field. It was a difficult time, but I'm proud to serve my country."

"I hear what you're saying." Jill nods, shaking Penelope's hand. "Sergeant Riley. I was a driver and gunner in Baghdad. Hooah."



Meanwhile in Alex's room, Andrea and the Alvarez boy was wrestling in his room.

"You don't tell me to shut up!" Andrea shouts at the boy, on top of him, but going down as Alex uses his strength.

"Well don't say that Venom in Spider-Man is bad!"

"Not that villain itself, the actor was a complete let down, you can't even tell me that's not true!"

"What do you know about acting?"

Andrea was quick to win back her stance, seeing Alex getting tired.
"I don't, but then again, I'm never wrong."

Alex couldn't help himself but laugh, making Andrea start to laugh as well.
They both call it a truce, despite to the Hinojosa girl thinking she was clearly the winner in their argument, and went to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"How do you think she's doing with the whole car thing?" The girl asked.

"I don't know, but all I know is that no one can't beat Schneider's car. It's the last thing we'll ever be seeing in that's rich." The boy tells her, passing her a string cheese.

"Amen to that." She smiles to him, ripping her string cheese out of the package, and biting into it.


"This Honda CR-V is an LX. It's got low mileage. 5 star safety rating, ABS-"

"Which is different than EX, because it has smaller wheels and no fog lights, 'cause I ain't no pink! Oh, I'm sorry." Penelope quickly gave her car skills to the saleswoman.

"Somebody's been doing their research." Jill smirks.

"You know what? I am a straight shooter. I tell it like it is."
"Then why are you lyin' about that guy being your husband?"

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