pt. dos

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Episode : Strays

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Andrea was so puzzled by why Carmen was trying to sneak into the house.
Given by Elena's face, this was definitely set up.

"No, Dr. Berkowitz, that's actually Elena's friend." Penelope says, trying to hid her anger.

"I don't get it. Why was Carmen trying o one in through the window?" Alex rhetorically asked the same question Andrea was thinking of.

Schneider even adds in, "Yeah, that was a little, uh-"

"Queer." Lydia hits to her personal answer.

Elena had to walk to the hall to talk to her furious mom, while the rest of the party guests go on and eat some cake.

"What are you two trying to pull?" The mom questions her daughter.

"Nothing." The older Alvarez sibling sighs, "You don't understand."

"Text her. Make sure she gets home okay. And after the party, we're gonna talk about you and Carmen."

Penelope was finishing talking and went on to the party.

"Oh, now that I've bought all this candy, I'd love to come see some of your ball games." The doctor tells Alex.

"Uh, that'd be weird." He responds, setting his candy box to the side to go and sit with his best friend, who was giving another message to her father.

"He sounds just like my kids."

The single mom made a public announcement. "I'm sorry, everyone. It's, uh, teenage girls, you know. Everything is very dramatic."

"It must be a boy." Lori gave her suggestion.

"I don't think so~" Lydia sings her comment.

"No, I think they're both a little stressed about their big immigration project for school." The nurse clarified.

"Immigration project? Why haven't they come to me?" The landlord replies.

"Why would they go to you?" Andrea asked.

"Oh, boy. Well, there's no stoppin' now." The man sets down his plate of cake, giving everyone questionable expressions. "I immigrated here illegally. I'm Canadian." He gasped. "Shocking! I know."

But when he actually looked on the party guests faces, they were blank with the "shocking" emotion.

Andrea looked around and gasped dramatically to not make the situation awkward for the handyman.

"So, you're an illegal alien?" Scouts puzzles.

"Well, we prefer 'undocumented'. But yeah, born in the 'Couve, overstayed my student visa, forced to live in the shadows of Pepperdine University. Took me a while to get rid of the accent, but now I can say," Then in a clearly exaggerated American accent, "I am sorry about that."

"Wow." Penelope spoke. "You must've been very brave, Schneider, coming here with everything. Knowing only the entire language and struggling to unlearn the metric system."

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