pt. dos

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Episode : Bobos and Mamitas

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The Cuban-Mexican girl was shocked by Lydia's statement.
She wanted to know what is could possibly be going through the woman's mind that would make her day that.

"Yo no entiendo cómo these men and women all want to be the same. We should celebrate our differences." Abuelita clarifies.
"I would never trade this for that." She then gestures for her breast then to Schneider's... area.

"Mami." Penelope scolded.

The handyman gets up, "No, no, I agree with her. Everybody wants to see those. Nobody wants to see this." He motioned like the elder did.

The two pre-teen were confused, disgusted, and weirded out by the adults.

"Okay, everyone stop gesturing." The single mom says to them all.

As the woman walks to the dining table, Elena follows, "Mom, I'm not talking about old-people sexism. It's such more subtle now. Men assert their power through micro-aggression and mansplaining."

Lydia got interested for the wrong reason, "Oh, mansplaining. Is that like manscaping? I just learned it and I love it."

"No." Elena answers, "Mansplaining is when a-"

"It's when a man explains something to a woman," Schneider interrupts, "that she already knows, but he acts like he's teaching her. Does that make sense?"

Everyone looked at the man, while he was totally confused as to why.

"What? I was just explaining what mansplaining- Oh, wow!" He finally caught on, even to mimic an explosion to the mind blowing discovery he made.

Penelope turns to her daughter, "Elena, micro-aggression and all this little crap... If I got bent out of shape every time a man said something stupid, you wouldn't be here."

"Mom!" Elena said, "This is a real problem. The sexism I'm talking about is all the little thing disrespectful things that men do that-"

"That they don't even realize." Schneider interrupts again, and he noticed, "Sorry, I cut you off. Talk as long as you want. Not that you need my permission. I'm just- You know what? I'd like to hear from the ladies. Women. Females. You guys- Not guys, humans."

The handyman to his hands on his mouth to shut him up, the two kids snicker slightly at the man.

Andrea comments, "Wow. You broke Schneider."

Elena ignores her and turns back to the topic, "Mom... this stuff might not seem like a big deal, but it chips away at you. You gotta call Scott out."

"Why would I waste my time?" Penelope asked.

"That's right!" Lydia agreed, "You will never win men over by confronting them. Take notes, Bicho."

Andrea simply put on a confusing look, which the elder didn't see as she was talking, "You flirt with them. You hypnotize them. And then you do whatever the hell you want. And then... they will think they are the boss, but really, you are the boss."

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