pt. dos

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Episode : Hold, Please

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" Let me see what we have here. Alvarez, 2294. "

Penelope puts her head down on the table, in annoyance.

The VA manage to put the veteran in a completely different office from getting to Jolene, she was currently on the line with a man named Tad.

" Oh. "
"Oh? What's 'oh'? Don't 'oh' me, Tad."

" Sorry, but you need a referral from your primary care physician. "

"I have one. I sent a copy of it to Jolene's office, like two months ago." The woman argued.

" You should probably talk to Jolene, then. "

"I know, Tad! So, now what?"

" Sorry. Can you fax a new one over? " He asked.

"Fax it? You mean, e-mail it?"

Tad laughs in complete amusement.
He was completely serious about the faxing...

"Okay. So you want me to get in a time machine and go back to when they used fax machines to send you something that I know for a fact you already have?" Penelope rants to the man, for a good reason.

" Well, if I had a time machine, I don't think I'd go back in time and fax things. I'd buy a lotto ticket. "

"Focus, Tad!" Penelope shouts. "Okay. I think the market down the street has a fax machine next to the off-brand candy bars. After the day I've had, I deserve a Slickers. Elena, ven acá! Tad, give me five minutes."

Penelope passed the phone to the young girl, who knew what to do when she was out to run to the fax machine.

Penelope left, Elena automatically grabbed the bag of Cheetos and went to her room.

After that second of silent in the living room, Andrea walks in.

She quietly walks around to grab her phone from the counter, as in doing so, the front door started to open, making her panic and go behind the counter, hiding.

The girl realized how stupid she was, so when she was about to get back up, a voice made her stay down.

"Hello? Abuelita? Elena?"

It was Alex.

After blowing him off at the fair, she definitely didn't want to see him just yet.

"Alex, no one's home. Your mom just left." Finn assures his friend. "Just grab some pills and let's get out of here."

"Yeah, I don't know. Maybe we should just hang out and play video games?"

"Come on, your mom won't even notice. I heard Shane Lennon sold one of his dad's pills for 20 bucks." Finn tells Alex. "Or I could just take you off the group chat with all of our friends."

Andrea rolled her eyes harshly at the boy. And Alex wonders why she doesn't like the boy.

"The only thing worse than being in a group chat... is not being in a group chat." Alex sighs, "Fine, I'll do it."

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