viva cuba

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Episode : Viva Cuba

Outfit :

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Through the week Andrea was extremely quiet.
Alex was the first person to catch on, but of course the girl denies it and just gave a bad excuse.

He knew Andrea could be a little depressive at time when she is in a bad place, but what she was doing was bad for herself.

She wasn't eating at all, she looking tired all the time, and her school works was completely crushing her.

This time Alex had enough of it, he wanted to know what was happening to Andrea, so if she won't tell him, he would have to find sometime who can.

At breakfast, when the two kids were eating their breakfast, Andrea was picking at her food, with no effort to eat.

Lydia was humming greatly, as she served her family.

"Abuelita, how are you so happy in the morning?" Elena asked her grandmother.

"Oh, it's easy, Mamita. Every night I dream of your abuelo, and we are playing dominoes and I win," She explains, "Over and over and over—"

"Okay, I got it!"

"Come on, Drea. You like torrijas, it's your favorite!" Alex tells his best friend.

"I-I know, I'm just not feeling it, right now."

There was a knock at the front door, which Penelope opened, seeing Schneider come on with a chair in hand.

"Hey, guys, you're in luck. I finally found a vintage store that had a chair that matched your dining set."

"Why do we need an extra chair?" The mom asked.

"It's not really extra. There's six of us," He counts, including himself.

As he puts down the chair, revealing his shirt, everyone gasped at what the man was wearing.

"I know. It's not a perfect match. But it's hardly the sorest thumb in the room," He says, not reading the room correctly.

"What are you wearing?" Andrea asked the man, furiously.

"Oh." He looks down at the man on his shirt. "Che Guevara? Yeah. Viva la revolución, am I right?"

"You are wrong," Lydia growls.

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