sin masa

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Episode : No Mass

Outfit :

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It was a long night for Andrea. All her homework was finished hours ago and her body was drained, despite her father's Red Bull she drank hours ago.
Luckily, her parents actually came home, but that was about 5 in the early morning.
The girl was practically half asleep when they arrived.

When Andrea saw them come in, she stopped herself from greeting them when seeing them arguing.
Her smile became a frown as they didn't even notice her on the couch that was right by the door, as they carried their bags to the room, while shouting at each other's faces.
This honestly tore the girl apart.
Her family was distant from her, sure, but they would at least acknowledge her present in a room.

With tears in her eyes, she grabbed her finished homework and ran to her room.
Deep down, Andrea knew she should've stayed with the Alvarez family, yet she didn't want to bother them.

She got into bed and finally fell asleep, still hearing the loud argument her adopted parents were having.


At 7 am sharp, the radio plays Spanish music, which gave Lydia the cue to open her curtain doors and start the day.

She yawns when makes her way into the kitchen.
Lydia goes and makes breakfast by putting two pieces of in the toaster.
She grabs a photo from one of the drawers and started to dance as a way of saying her body has fully woken up.
The woman grabs a butter knife and swiftly takes a piece of the butter and threw it on the pan, which the stove was turned on after. Shaking her hips, she slaps the photo on the fridge that was the Pope, with a small magnet glued to the picture. From the fridge, she grabbed the egg carton and had an egg in each hand. The eggs were cracked and were in the pan. As the eggs began to sizzle, Lydia started to make the coffee, by filling the little bottom container to the portable coffee maker with the coffee grains. She goes on to pour sugar into a measuring cup as she jams out of her radio.
The two toast pops up as Lydia used a very small watered coffee amount to stir the sugar with. As the mixture was done, the elder pours it back in the coffee maker so that the drink wouldn't be so bitter.

The two Alvarez kids walk in, ready for school and still a bit tired. They grab their plates and toast and turned to Lydia, who gave them the cooked eggs, each giving her a kiss on the cheek.
Lydia, though, didn't forget to show Alex his freshly washed pants, which he gladly took with a smile.

"Good morning." Penelope walks in the room.

Both kids reply back, "Morning."

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