la muerte de la sra. resnick

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Episode : The Death of Mrs. Resnick

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Andrea woke up in the late noon from her sleep, luckily it was a weekend, which was great!

What the girl did though was miss Alex's baseball game she wanted to go to, even though she always going to his games.
To be honest, the only reason she think Alex brings her along is to take good photos of him.

She looked at her phone and groaned at the multiple text and calls from Alex and Penelope.

The Hinojosa girl texted each of them apologizing and explaining her mistake.
She felt bad for not going, she really wanted to support her friend.

As she was refreshing herself, Andrea and Alex had a whole text fight over who's fault it was for making her be late.

The reason why she was late because Alex made her binge watch all of his stupid action movies he requested, because apparently she wasn't as "cultured" then she beloved.
And like Andrea, she watched all the five movies with no stops. After the middle of the fourth movie, she passed out around 4am.

The Mexican-Cuban made her way to the kitchen to grab a small snack.
She noticed no sign of her dad and mom, which, at this point, she didn't mind.
The girl grabbed herself one of her mom's strawberry yogurt from the fridge.

When she was grabbing a spoon, the front door opened to see Mrs. Wilkins and an attractive guy, coming into the home with smiles on their faces, even laughing all merry and somewhat seductive.

"Mom?" Andrea spoke up, making the Caucasian woman be startled.

"O-O-Oh, s-sweetheart," Andrea's mom stuttered. "What are you still doing here? A-Aren't you supposed to be with Alec?"

The unknown guy looked nervous but composed, unlike Andrea's mom, who was acting weird and in a panic.
What got Andrea's confusion was her mom calling her "sweetheart", something that she has never called her.

"It's Alex. I woke up late, but I'm thinking of going to-"

"That's great, sweetie! Have fun." The mom then tries to push her adopted daughter out of the house.

"W-Wait! Who's that?" Andrea asked, before have her face be slammed by the door.

The girl have a huff and messed with the yogurt cup and spoon in her hands.

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