pt. dos

988 35 12

Episode: Roots
TW: none

Episode: RootsTW: none

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          EVERYONE SAT AROUND IN THE living room, wondering what was wrong was Lydia. Andrea sat by the older woman and just didn't understand why Lydia was this determined to not go and vote.

"Mami, what's going on? Why are you acting like such a loca?" Penelope questioned, sitting by her mother.

"Are you afraid to vote?" asked Elena, "I mean, is it because in Cuba, any act of political expression was met with violent repression?"

"Yeah, sure. Make that the reason," Lydia nodded, quick to point the blame. Seeing how she was quite cornered, the woman sighs, "Okay. I don't vote because... I am not a citizen."

Andrea's heart broke. "What?"

"Yes, you are," Pen denied comfortably, "You and Papi had your citizenship interviews while I was deployed in Afghanistan."

"No. We were supposed to, but we never did," admits Abuelita, "And so, we ended up spending the whole afternoon in the park together, bird-watching. Which, of course, is what we call lovemaking."

"Okay, Mami——"
"Which is ironic, because the birds were watching us."

"Stop trying to change the subject. Especially to that subject. How did you never become a citizen?"

"I was busy, you know! I was working, raising a family, helping my family to raise their family! Oh, you're welcome. But anyway, it doesn't matter because I have a green card. I get social security, I paid taxes."

"Whoa," Schneider speaks, "You have to pay taxes with a green card?" He groans loudly and pulls out his phone, earning Andrea to roll her eyes at the man.

"I am a permanent resident. So it's almost the same thing. It's no big deal."

Elena smiles gratefully, "This actually makes me so much happier, Abuelita. Because now I understand. It's not that you don't want to vote, it's that you can't."

"Of course."

"Then this is great! Because green card holders can become citizens easily. You just have to take tests. I'll download the forms. We'll get you in line to become a citizen."

"No, thank you!" Lydia peeps, quickly running toward her room and closing the curtain.

Elena grew frustrated. "She is so infuriating!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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