pt. cautro

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Episode : Viva Cuba

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The two Hinojosa's sat together at the ice cream parlor, sitting in front of each other, in complete silence.

They clearly didn't know how to start this conversation, but they were both happy of seeing one another.

When Andrea looks at her biological mother, she saw a bit of her; They did have some good resemblance of each other.
As Alaina looks at her daughter, she was happy to see she was in a good home, where she could grow up to be the beautiful child she had wanted her to be.

"So, Andrea... why did you want to meet me?"

The kid licks the spoon full of her ice cream, before she spoke. "Look, Mo—Mrs. Hinojos—"

"Alaina is fine, mija."

The kid got her mind straightened and said, "I-I came into contact with you because... I wanna know my culture. We have this assignment at school, where we are talking about different countries, a-and I picked Mexico. Since you are originally from there... could you maybe talk about it?"

The woman stared to the girl, with little annoyance. "Is that really why you came here?"

Andrea knew that she could see right through her. Hell, she was very obvious with her actions, by the way she talked to her erratic hand gestures.

"Um... I—My adopted mom left me and my father," She broke, "That got me thinking about you and Ricky and... I just wanna know why, you know?"

The woman looked to the girl nervously. "Mija, listen, it was nothing personal. Ricky and I were just too young when I found out I was pregnant, and..."

The little girl saw Alaina's eyes turn glossy.

"R-Ricky got deported when I had you... I haven't heard from him in years."


Andrea looked down to her shoes, feeling the sadness in the room and the embarrassment she felt when asking about her father.

"But he did tell me all the baby names he picked out."

The Hinojosa girl picked up her head, as Alaina tells her.

"If you were a boy, he wanted you to be called José or Adam. And if you were a girl, he was certain that he wanted you to be an Andrea. After his mother that died when he was a kid."

As Andrea smiles, tears started to form in her eyes, it's only one falling down her cheek.

"What's wrong, Andrea?"

"I would always think that y-you and Ricky didn't want be because I was the problem... but now I know that that's not true. That's not true, at all."

If Ricky wouldn't have been deported, they would be a family.

It was sad to think of the 'what if's'...
Would Ricky be a good father?
How would Alaina raise her?
What if - in that scenario - Andrea was happier?

She then thought of how different her life would've been:
She wouldn't even know her actual adopted father. She wouldn't even know the pain that Becca caused her... And she wouldn't even know who Alex was, or his family.

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