pt. tres

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Episode: Schooled

(I now warn you, I don't know jack about court law that involves children in divorces, so if anything sounds wrong or doesn't make any sense, you now know why.)

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Sitting in the courtroom made Andrea feel like an ant, small and intimated. He held her father's hand tightly, even he looked like he wanted to get out as quick as possible. 

Hearing the door open, Becca came in, with her lawyer right by her side. As soon as the woman met eye contact with her daughter, she waved a 'hello' to her, seemingly to look innocent and kind to her kid.

As everyone was set, the judge then comes and makes the case.
Andrea automatically sat up straight, gulping out of pure nervousness.

"Okay, the case of Wilkins v. Cassidy, over custody of Andrea Lolli Hinojosa, have both parties have discussed a settle or must proceed?"

"Your Honor, both parties have not wanted or made any settlement," Her father's lawyer stated.

"Very well. What is Mrs. Cassidy's case?"

"Your Honor, my client, Mrs. Becca Cassidy wants to keep her child with her. Obviously, since Mr. Wilkins isn't interested in any shared child custody, she would like full custody of Andrea Hinojosa."

The girl's heart stopped.
It was as if time were to slow down a little, stop completely.
She didn't want that, she wanted to be with her dad.

"My client is finically stable to raise a child, has her own apartment and job, even lives near toward the environment Andrea Hinojosa knows. She is still the adopted mother of this child, she is her legal guardian."

The young latina didn't think about this. She couldn't tell if Becca wanted this because she truly loved her or it would hurt Don. Either way, she still wanted nothing to do with her.

"Your Honor." Don's lawyer rises. "You cannot deny what Mrs. Cassidy has done to Don Wilkins and Andrea Hinojosa. She left them for many months, with no contact of any kind and no visits. Now, because of the divorce, she wants to keep the one thing my client holds dear."

The judge hits the gavel to silent the lawyer. "Thank you. Both parents are equally ready to take care of Andrea Hinojosa, but I would like to hear it from their mouth, including Andrea's."

Quickly, her hand latched on to her father's. He tightly squeezed the girl's hand in reassurance.
It troubled her to know she would have to speak up, that one mistake can possibly ruin her.

"Don Wilkins, please give your statement on the matter at hand."

The father looked at his little girl and slowly let go. He straightened his back, doing his best to look as confident but kind. The man says, "Andrea and I have been doing just fine on our own. After Becca left... we put ourselves back together, we put in the work to help us. I've had a closer relationship with Andrea, I adore my daughter, and I understand why a daughter would need a mother, but I believe what is best for Andrea is to not have custody to the woman that left."

"And what 'work' have you put in, Mr. Wilkins?"

Don turns to his lawyers and nodded. The man in the suit searched out for papers. The lawyer explains, "Don Wilkins has been going to counseling for the past few months. Even his counselor has proven that he has been doing better as a father after Ms. Cassidy left."

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