pt. tres

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Episode : Viva Cuba

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Penelope was working in her clinic, normally, until her boss comes in, rushing for her help.

"Penelope..." He calls, "I need a consult, stat."

The man adds a piece of written paper and a light board, to see it better.

"What's that?" The nurse asked.

"Lyrics. I was so inspired by our conversation yesterday, I started writing parody songs."
"Doc, there's, like, 20 patients waiting outside."

"Just tell me which one you like better," He goes on, tapping his foot and snapping his finger rhythmically. "What a ham, what a ham, what a ham. What a mighty honey glazed ham~"

The nurse was unimpressed.

"Or..." The doctor then dances to his own lyrics. "Exercising makes us strong. Zumba, Zumba~"

"Wow, this... It's just so hard to pick," Penelope exaggerated, clearly wanting to forget what she saw and heard.

"I have others—"
"No! Okay, the ham. I like the ham one. Don't do the Zumba. Please don't do that again."

Dr. Berkowitz put his paper away, with a smile. "I am really enjoying myself, you know. It's never too late to do what you love."

The cuban woman started to turn her wheels, and decided to speak what she had been thinking about.
"Okay. So, I've been thinking. Theoretically, if I still wanted to become a doctor—"

"Yes, yes, yes!"
"Okay! Now I'm excited! Break it down. Tell me, what do I do?"

Penelope grabbed the nearest pencil and paper in sight, to idealize her future plan.

"First, you take the MCAT," Berkowitz lists, "Then you take it again when you fail. Most people do. Me, three times. And then, just four more years of med school."

"Okay. Five years, that's not that bad!"

"Then three years of residency. And you never know where they're gonna send you, or what adventure awaits you. You may get Honolulu. I got Toledo. Why people say, 'Holy Toledo,' I'll never know. Nothing holy about it. It's hell."

"Okay. Eight years."

"Oh, and then your fellowship. Three more years."

"So, 11 years?"

"Wow. You are going to ace the math portion of the MCAT. And  don't you worry, you'll be shocked at how quickly a decade goes by. Especially when you don't see your family. But, in the end... it will all be worth it, because you will be a doctor." The man cheers,"And 200,000 dollars in debt! I still haven't paid him off!"

"You haven't?"
"Looks like the sweet release of death will come first. I win!"


Andrea, Schneider, and Alex were setting up for the Alvarez's video shoot.

The cuban boy looked to his friend, she has been acting on edge from the whole day.
She was itching for school to end and is just seemed to be anticipating for this to be over, as well.

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