pt. dos

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Episode : Viva Cuba

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In school, Andrea tapped her foot, waiting for Alex to come into their class.

Over the night, she had agreed that she was being unfair to her friends.
She first wanted to apologize to her best friend first, since he took most of the heat and dealt with most of her attitude, which definitely ate up her guilt.

The boy came into the class and sat down at his desk, he noticed Andrea's sudden change of mood, from her eager look to talk to him.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, taking his seat.

"Hey, Alex. I—Um... I-I just wanted to apologize, y-you know for everything. There's just a lot happening and I took it all out of you. It was uncool of me to—"

"Hey," He assures, "it's okay. You don't have to apologize. Besides, I knew you didn't mean it."

"Really? I thought you would be pissed off at me, like Maddie and Casey."

"Ah, they always hold grudges, but if you don't want to hang out with them, we can sit at another table."

"No, no. You're right, they'll get over it. Thanks for being so understanding and not hate me," She thanked him, sparing with a joke.

"You're my best friend. I could never hate you, even if you did abuse that apple."

The girl smiled and giggled genuinely, making the Alvarez smile back; it had been a while since he had seen her smile.

"You can talk to me, you know. Whatever it is that is bothering you," He adds in.

Before she could answer him, the strict teacher came into the room, making the two kids remain silent for the class period.


The two kids and Elena came to the Alvarez household.

Andrea and Alex were working on their projects, with Alex starting to videotape Lydia, and Andrea using her photography.

There, in the living room, the two kids, Lydia, and Schneider - who wanted to tag along - helped work on the projects.

"So I had to flee Cuba and come here to America," Lydia informs to the camera, "Your abuelo and I were separated for years before we found our way back into each other's arms. There was an earthquake the day we were reunited and I am convinced that the passion of our embrace moved the Earth."

As Alex stopped his phone camera, Schneider was amazed.

"Not sure the science checks out, but who cares? That was beautiful," The handyman compliments.

"Oh. Gracias."

"What are you doing?" Schneider talked to Alex, making the Hinojosa pick her head up from her computer.

The man explains, "History is coming alive before your eyes! And that's too small a camera for too big a star!"

"What?" The two kids say in confusion.

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