pt. cuatro

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Episode : No Mass

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Andrea felt like she was on the sidelines of this conflict.
Everyone had an opinion but she felt her opinion belittled.

In honestly, she felt almost proud of the single mother, because she spoke up about her true belief. Religion doesn't really affect the type of person she it. It's not like she had murdered a child or joined a gang.

"Oye, you're so smart?" Lydia spoke up. "If God doesn't exist, who made all of this?"

"Okay," Elena joined in, "Can we agree that's there is a God, it's gender-neutral, not a he or a she?"

Lydia answers, "No! God is a man. If he were a woman, there would be less problems. Pobrecito God. He tries so hard."

Elena already gave up trying to have her grandma listen to her, Penelope keeps fighting.

"Look, Mami, I get it. You like going to church. It's habit. You put on lipstick, you get dressed up, you see your friends, you gossip... "Oye. La nieta de Olguitita got new tetas." It's your little social club, Mami, and that's fine."

"It is more than fine!" The elderly woman fires. "I pay. I seek forgiveness."
"And I am so glad that that gives you comfort. But that doesn't mean that God exists, okay? I'm sorry."

"He kept you safe." Lydia explains. "Everyday when you were gone, he kept you safe. My little girl says she wants to go in the Army, and then the Army sends you to Afghanistan where she is getting shot at and I don't even know what else..."

Andrea could ever the grandmother's voice break which made her get emotional.

"Have you any idea... how much I worried? When you were deployed, I went to church everyday and I prayed that he would keep you safe. And he did. So don't you tell me about God. I know that God exists. And he is great."

Lydia sat down on the couch, sobbing, while Penelope comforted her in a hug.
Everyone else was left in shock and was speechless. Alex looked at Andrea, who had tears in her eyes. Of course, she was one to connect with emotions easily, but something was different this time; she seemed to be thinking.

The single mom spoke up, "Mami, I'm sorry. Perdón. Lo siento. I had no idea. You know, you went missing for one day and I was worried sick. I-I can't imagine what it must feel like to worry all those years."

"Ay, sí. All those years putting up with Birdie, with her terrible hairdos and her smelly bad breath."

"Look." Penelope lifted her necklace to see the tiny cross that meant so much to her. "I still wear the cross you gave me."
"So you do believe."
"No, I don't wear it because it's a cross. I wear it because you gave it to me."
"I don't understand the difference, so please just let me have this."

The women sobbed again, dramatically holding each other for comfort.
Elena asked in annoyance, "So, are we going to church or not?"

"Yes." Penelope decided. "Wait, no. Wait... sometimes, ok? Sometimes?"

Lydia added on, "Yeah. We, at least... at least Christmas and Easter. And one other time, so we are not those people."

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