pt. tres

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Episode : One Lie at a Time

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There Elena and Josh were making out on the couch in the Alvarez apartment.

"Um..." Josh pulls himself away from the girl. "I like you, so I just don't want to mess this up. Do you think we should talk more or something?"

"No, I'm good," Elena replies, bluntly.

"You're so awesome," Josh smiles, pulling her back in their kiss.

Suddenly, it was stopped by Schneider ramming into the apartment, with Andrea and Alex following behind.
Josh jumps off the couch, with Elena completely shocked from the ambush.

"Hands off her!" Schneider orders, ignoring his panting from traveling down the stairs to get to the apartment.
"I am the go-to male authority figure here. And I am shutting this unauthorized party down."

"Sorry. Sorry. Sorry, sir," Josh apologizes.

Schneider then looks back to Alex. "You were right. He is super cool."

Elena scoffs, "Alex, you told Schneider?"

"Oh, hey, Josh," Alex greets the teen, completely star-struck, even so to push Andrea and Schneider out of his way to go and make his way to his 'idol'. "Alex Alvarez. Sorry, I'm a mess. I woke up with flat hair. You know how it is. 'Sup?"

Josh didn't reply to him, only was slightly weirded out, but trying to focus the situation at hand.

"Okay, Elena, I'm sorry. But, dude, I don't think you're supposed to be here without a parent around," Schneider advices.

"I totally get it. I'll go. I'll tell you later," Josh stutters, before leaving the apartment quickly.

"Nice job," Andrea comments.
"Thanks, Dre-Dre."

"Alex, I can't believe you told on me!" Elena shouts.

"And I am certainly glad he did, young lady!" The landlord used a deep toned voice that grabbed everyone's attention. "That sounds scary. I am nailing this!"

"It just slipped out," Alex explained.

"It's true, Elena. Alex didn't mean to tell me. He was just confused 'cause you were suddenly into a boy."

"Why would that be confusing?" Elena raised her eyebrow.

Andrea then internally threw herself into a brick wall.
She just silently sucks in her breath, just pretending she didn't hear what she just heard.

"Uh... Now I'm confused."

"You two told him everything?" Elena rams to the kids.

"Don't worry, Elena. I'm not gonna say anything. It's your business."

"Yes, it is."

"The only reason I'm here is because Aled said your mom wasn't home and there was a boy over here and I just—"

"There was a boy over here?"

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