pt. dos

5K 149 32

Episode : A Snowman's Tale

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Present - 7:30pm

Penelope finally made it to the restaurant after saying goodbye to Abby.
She ended up talking to the hostess as she shows her to the table.

"So, I finally forced myself out of the house and overcame an expected, yet still surprisingly strong anxiety attack. Now I'm here."

The hostess only smiles a bit uncomfortably from the woman not knowing what to do.
"Your waiter will be with you in a bit."

"Thanks, Kristen. We didn't get a chance to talk much, but you seem cool." Penelope complimented.

As the hostess walked away, Penelope got settled in at her table.
She sees the empty chair in front of her - her date's spot.

"Hi, I'm Tyler." The waiter comes, putting down the menus. "I'll be taking care of you tonight. I know you're waiting for one more, but can I start you off with an appetizer?"

"No, you can start me off with a drink." The nurse joked with a laugh. "Because, Tyler, I went through hell to get here tonight. Every aspect of this date has been dissected by all the people in my life. My mom, my dad, my landlord, some giant, hot baby in the bathroom."

The waiter only stood in silent, just waiting for her to order a drink.

"Have you seen her, by the way? Please tell me she's eating something. The point is, everybody had an opinion about this."

"Okay... so, uh, do you know what you want?" Tyler tries to pass the conversation.

Penelope only sat in the chair at the nice restaurant and at thought.


The single mom came home.
Only to find her own mother and daughter on the couch.

She scoffs, "Of course. Why wouldn't you two be waiting for me? I thought you had a thing with Carmen."

"I came home early so we could all dish." Elena smiles in excitement.

"Cuéntanos de todo." Lydia joins in. "Did he have soulful eyes? We're his teeth white, but not too white? Now the teeth are too white. What is that?"

"He was very nice. And I'm glad I did it. But, uh, wasn't two hearts in the desert like you and Papi." Penelope tells them.

"Aw!" Lydia says sweetly, she then blowed raspberries at her daughter, with two thumbs down.

"Yeah, I'm not gonna see him again."

"See who?" The two kids, Alex and Andrea, asked, as they entered the room.

"You didn't wanna give me the heads-up that he was here?" Penelope scolded.

"Heads up, Alex is here." Lydia says, with an "uh-oh" facial expression.

"Woah, are you wearing Abuelita's lipstick?" Andrea asked the woman.

"Why do you know what?"

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